*watches episode* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo [@Abefroeman] [hider=Spoilers] You'd only assume that basically, the entirety of the Tyrells basically didn't fall under Olenna, or if they did, they're dead. It's a weird one- given that Garlan/Willas are written out a little. If the Lannisters were cheeky enough (which they were), they'd probably get away with it, and steal all the gold in the process too, which is what they did. I'd imagine the Tyrell armies aren't a paper cannon- they are 80,000 men worth out of 80,000 men worth, whereas the Lannisters and Starks seem like they can punch above their weight, and caught unawares, divided, Lordless, and with chaos, you could seperate it which I'd assume so. In this RP atm, under a strong chain of command (there's at least four to six men you'd have to kill in four different places) the Tyrells are enough to be feared and the whole network held together. Willas is not a strong commander, but Garlan was- and as he grew older and after the war ended, he would have probably justified a bit of force, modernised it particularly in the form of retinues and rallied forces across the rosy realm. Keep in mind the show never mentions Willas or Garlan- canonically, what I have so far on the history of House Tyrell is written out a little differently with that never actually happening to Highgarden, just due to those absences of characters and that change of fate. I can justify it slightly by saying that it's why Dickon Tarly isn't dead (his dad probably joined Willas, not the Crown), nor the whole Reach completely destitute (25 years wouldn't be enough to recover what they just did, if it was ALL the gold). Though. "He really was a cunt wasn't he." That line. That fucking line. That is the sass that lives in Alerie Tyrell's veins. [/hider] About for a collab, btw. Just not too sure in the Stepstones atm.