[@MrDidact] I'm finally done with finals, so I'll try to getting Mychel active again and help you move the Vale plot forward. Sorry for disappearing (again). Also, regarding the show: [hider=spoilers]Damn, I'm gonna miss House Tyrell. I'm a sucker for diplomatic, playing-it-safe, PR-savvy, delicate-themed dynasties. Plus, Olenna was da best. She got a dignified finale, though, so that's nice. Also, going by Daenerys and Sansa, I feel like the show's writers still haven't figured out how to compellingly write heroic female political leaders (Cersei is still pretty much on point). Sansa is my favorite character in both the books and the show, and she's been getting a few good lines of dialogue since the first episode of this season, but nothing really substantial, and much of the "political insight" she's been given as dialogue sounds like shallow platitudes. Dany has been given a lot of "moments" that are meant to show that she's this great, powerful and inspiring figure, but I feel like the writing hasn't really earned it.[/hider]