[i][b]Jackson[/b][/i] "Are you going to be here very much longer?" Lilith asked him. Jackson sighed, but it was a sigh of amusement. "What does it matter to you? It's not like you have anything fucking pressing to do." She sniffed haughtily, "The corpses are starting to smell." He stared at her for a while and she grinned playfully at him. He shook his head and held out his left hand to his side. A dark red slash split the air and opened slightly. A small hole, just big enough for him to slide his Katana through. He was about to do just that when he heard a noise. His head turned sharply and he listened hard as he put up a spherical shield of crackling destructive energy around himself. "Whomever you are, come out where I can see you." From his coat he pulled out a silver flask and opened the top. He drank from it, Crimson Rush, his favorite drink, flowed through him. "Come on now, I don't have all god damn day." He looked at Lilith, "I could just start laying waste to the other side." Lilith cocked her head. She liked destruction, "No. Could be an ally." Jackson sighed again. She was right of course. He started walking toward where he heard the noise. "If I find you, I'm probably going to eat you. I'm rather thirsty."