[@IronWill] Let me know if this is okay! [h2][b]Character Sheet (SOUL GEAR):[/b][/h2] [b]Human appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/19/95/1a/19951af08490325ab07b415cbee77eb2--anime-cosplay-anime-manga.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Real form appearance:[/b] [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/072/0/10720271/il_340x270.821925702_ql60.jpg[/img] [b]Human Name:[/b] Wakefield [b]Real Name:[/b] Silver Pocketwatch [b]Power:[/b] Ed is able to do a partial transformation in order to stay combat ready even without a user. He is able to turn his left arm into a large clock hand, long and sharp enough to be used as a blade. Alternatively, the fingers on right hand can also become dagger sharp clock hands for an alternative. His main ability however, is the ability to slow down an enemies movements and attacks. This ability slows only a small amount, but each attack slows an enemy further and further each strike adding to the cumulative effect. [hider=Clockhand Blade Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1a/06/b3/1a06b321953eee253939c73911ca0d40--hidden-weapons-steampunk-weapons.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] Wakefield was an old silver pocket watch passed down from father to son for generations. The tradition started back when a soldier who had purchased the watch with his signing bonus kept it in his front pocket. An enemy combatant shot at him, but the watch was able to deflect enough of the force that the wound was minor rather than lethal. After the battle, the soldier had the watch repaired and ever since each member of the Wakefield family has had the watch in their possession in times of danger. However, the last member of the Wakefield family passed away without any heirs. As he died, he checked the time one last time and wiped some dust from the surface. This final act of kindness awakened Wakefield as a Soul Gear, and he named himself after their name. However, as a result of the Wakefield family's' end, he has never had a partner nor does he want one. He attends the Academy to learn for himself and still fights for the same country his human family did.