[@HushedWhispers] I've finished my prince of Abhainn! I hope you (and everyone else) like him. [hider=Prince Willian of Abhainn][center][h3][color=8493ca]Prince Willian of Abhainn[/color][/h3] [img]https://us-east.manta.joyent.com/condenast/public/teenvogue-services/production/2015/06/18/industry-blogs-entertainment-Jamie-Campbell-Bower-Camelot.gif[/img] [sub][b]{ [i]”I know who I am. I know what my duty is.”[/i] }[/b][/sub][/center][hr][hr] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Name[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]William Uther Pengrance[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Nickname[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Shadow[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Age[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]19[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Gender[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Sexuality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Hetero[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Kingdom[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Abhainn[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Alliance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]The kingdom of Abhainn, more specifically with king Maddox[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]In Depth Appearance[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]At least a few sentences describing their general appearance, please.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Habits[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][b]Nightwalker[/b] - Plagued by nightmares and restless nights in his youth, Willian often wandered around the castle, gardens and streets. Falling in love with the silence of the night. It, in part, earned him his nickname: shadow. These days he walks around at night at his own volition. [b][/b][/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Hobbies[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][b]Hunting[/b] - A great many nobles go out on horse with hounds, chase rabbits while laughing amongst each other. They even drink wine and call it hunting. Willian, a bastard, was never invited to these events. Nor did he want to go when he was younger, for he met other people. Poaching farmers taught him how to actually hunt. How to set traps, bait your prey and wait out days and days until you caught something. Further he learned how to gut various animals. Ranging from rabbit to deer. [b]Sword fighting[/b] - William is a very martial inclined youth. He likes the feel of a sword and the weight of his armor. Oftentimes he trains with the veteran knights in an attempt to improve himself. He certainly isn't bad, but he has much to learn. Something he only realizes half the time. Still, his talent is something of note. [b]Horse mastery[/b] - Horse-riding, a nobleman's sport, certainly but William is often as spirited as the horse he rides. Earning him some serious scolding of the stable master and his maids alike. Telling him he was reckless and dangerous. He is, but he's good at it. Not just the riding aspect. He understands the meaning of bloodlines and knows the importance of breed.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Likes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][b]Drinking[/b] - The young lad takes after his half-brother in many ways. One of them is the excessive drinking. While a strong-willed swordfighter and a discipline hunter, William lacks such self-control when it comes to drinking. Young age might also be a factor. Never the less, as Maddox slowed down his drinking, William picked it up. [b]Thrill[/b] - Hunting, fighting, horse-riding. It's all towards a common goal: the thrill. He loves the sensation, the feel of his blood coursing through his veins. The simplexes of it all. It often puts him in danger but at the same time, he wouldn't be the person he is without his love for the thrill. [b]Tournaments[/b] - Being a bastard makes one's live somewhat "special". There are expectations of you, while you enjoy none of the advantages. He was not born with inherit prestige so William vowed to obtain it on his own. Tournaments are an obvious choice. The combination of thrill and the sense of being better than those born of noble blood make it even better. So far he participated in a few minor tourneys, each time excelling. Now he hopes he can climb the ladder and fight the best. [b]Romance[/b] - More of an imagined enjoyment than anything else really. William does not particularly care for books. Or so most people think. But at night he often stays up, reading some book about a knight in shining armor, saving a damsel in distress. It warms his heart, but it is his secret. He loves romance and the idea of love. [b]The Night[/b] - William has a strange fascination with the night. He has a hard time fully explaining why or how even. He simply loves the many aspects of it. Both the darkness to hide in and the moonlight to reveal a different him.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Dislikes[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][b]Noble arrogance[/b] - People oftentimes pretend they are somehow better than him simply because he's a bastard. Even those he can defeat in a fight somehow wear their bloodline as an armor for their honor. William hates those that feel they are better than him simply because they were born as a lord or lady. [b]Incompetence[/b] - Taken after his brother (and in part, after their shared father), William has a strong distaste for those who do not have what it takes. He will understand when someone admits they cannot do something, but he cannot bear the idea that someone screwed up knowing they couldn't do it. [b]Being limited[/b] - He's young and quite often had to hear he's not allowed to do something, simply because he's too young. The kid is certainly an adventurer and doesn't like being told he cannot do something simply because. [b]Dishonor[/b] - From a young age William was taught to honor his word. In fact, he only broke it twice. The second time he was severely punished. Since then he became a man of his word. Which means he cannot stand those who break their word. (Mind you, while he loathes to break his word, he seldom gives it too) [b]Slibah[/b] - Too many tales have been told. Too much blood was spent. Abhainn was wronged. Not just their founder. But every time someone died in the conflict, the kingdom was wounded. For that, there must be a reckoning. William hates the kingdom of Slibah. In fact, he hates everyone that is part of it.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Fears[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent][b]Failing his Kingdom[/b] - Despite the fact that he is a bastard, William loves his country. In fact, he's willing to do everything (including dying), to protect it. One of his greatest fear is that he cannot protect the kingdom. [b]Being killed by a Slibah[/b] - A fear he dislikes to admit to. He knows there are people in the kingdom of Slibah that are better than him. And fears he doesn't have what it takes to take them on. Deep down he feels that he should, because he will have to be shield when things go south.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Personality[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Young, spirited, troublesome, rude. Ask some people and you'll get one of those four. It is true that he's young and spirited. William has a tendency to do what he likes. Which doesn't always means he does what he's supposed to do. Noblemen etiquette are not really his thing. Unlike Maddox, he isn't particular spoiled or bratty. Instead, he simply takes what he wants. Sure he gets in trouble for it. But he doesn't really care. Furthermore, he can be dangerously unforgiving. Sure, he'll smile and take the hit. But he doesn't forget. Sadly for him, often times there is little he can actually do. So taking the hit becomes keeping it all inside. Until it, inevitably explodes and he goes off on his infamous bar crawls. However, he is almost an entirely different person when it comes to his King. Towards the crown and throne, William shows another side of himself. He's patient, calm, loyal and competent. His king's word is law and he'll do whatever he is commanded. He has ambition, certainly. But not towards the throne. He knows he cannot rule. His place is on the battlefield, and he knows it.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Background[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Being born as a bastard is, quite obviously, quite a bad start of one's life. What is worse is the fact that at the time Mrs. Pengrance committed adultery, she was still married to a local shopkeeper. Who did not nor ever knew of her and the king's relationship. When asked about the origin of the child, she admitted that she cheated on him but lied, claiming it was a guard's child. Not entirely a lie considering she did cheat with the guard as well. For a few years the family lived somewhat happy. The guard visited his "son" from time to time and paid to help raise him. The problem arose when the child grew older but bore no striking resemblance to himself. At least no physically. The kid did have a fighter's attitude though, which the guard liked. When confronting the wife, she confessed. The husband divorced her and died 4 years later of sickness. Never knowing the child he helped raise was the king's. The guard was rather dismayed over the whole ordeal. But still vowed to help raise him, as he started to like the child. When the child was old enough, he was taught how to fight. As it was the only thing the guard knew. But then the king came. Rather hurt by the distance Maddox was taking, he adopted another bastard as his own; William. But William was not Maddox. He did not possess a love for chess, tactics or power games. Only with a sword in hand did William bare any resemblance but the king was far too old to teach him anything. This time it was the king that took distance from a child he could not truly call his own. William's time so close to his father's court was short and he cares little for it. Still, he grew up in the castle. He saw Maddox from time to time. He was everything William wanted to be. Great, strong, a good fighter and a true heir to the realm. Thus began William's far away fascination with the crown-prince. He couldn't be taught by knights so he couldn't become a squire. Never the less he learned how to fight from other soldiers and hedge-knights. The master of the hunt often send him out into the woods to hunt out poachers in the winter. Some he killed, some he befriended. The stable master let him help around in exchange for horse riding lessons. In hunting, fighting and horse-riding William showed promise and talent. But in the arts of statecraft he was next to useless. He was 15 when his father died and it turned his life around. Suddenly he was accepted in the upper echelons of the court again. OUt of necessity he had to appear smarter by reading books so he read his favorites. He had to hunt with the nobles like a true prince and put them all to shame. Of course, by getting his hands dirty which was frowned upon. Either way, he grew up much the same way but just surrounded by more people of higher status. Now he has come of age and a prince. He wants to be there for the realm and his king. Even if he's but a footnote.[/indent] [color=8493ca][b]| [u]Extra[/u] |[/b][/color] [indent]Bronze & Iron age.[/indent][/hider]