Got it done. I think this might end up being one of my favorite Characters. [@Override] Let me know if any adjustments need to be made. [hider=Conall O’Brien] [b]Name:[/b] Conall O’Brien [b]Age:[/b] 134 [b]Race:[/b] Lycan [b]Faction:[/b] Rebel [b]Appearance:[/b] Conall normally is of average build and has silver eyes and grey skin. Due to his Lycan nature, he is nearly covered in an excessive growth of hair. He has a branding on his back depicting a long, thick line with five smaller lines branching off from either side (when asked about it, he replies that it is a ward against specific entities, but does not mention who or what). This marking is even visible in his Lycan form and is covers about a fourth of his back. In his Lycan form, he grows about two and a half feet taller and has noticeably more muscles, particularly in the upper body. His head elongates into a snout while his lips recede revealing sharp and jagged teeth, clearly of a carnivore, and with saliva constantly slobbering forth. The whites of his eyes turn to blood red and the pupils lengthen vertically. His ears sharpen to a point and constantly flicker in varying directions in order to determine location and distance of a particular noise. His fingers lengthen slightly and the nails grow into claws sharp enough to tear through metal about 5mm thick. His legs and feet lengthen out allowing him to jump unnaturally high and firmly land upright. [b]Personality:[/b] Conall Is reclusive but willing to work in groups small groups should it prove necessary or wise. He has a bleak aspect on life due to his past and considers peace a mythical concept. He believes that the very nature of life is to change and adapt, to face challenges and see if it can survive the test or if it is weak. Every fight to him is another test of his capabilities. Is he strong? Or does he have room to improve? Ultimately, he cares little about the wellbeing of those he considers ‘weak’ and only slightly more of his equals. Only to those that can best him does he give his respect, at least for as long as they can claim that feat. Outside of his ‘betters’ he only tolerates others if they offer some ability that he cannot do. Still he is not actively hostile to his ‘lessers’ unless they block him from his goal or irk him in some way. [b]Background:[/b] Born in southern Ireland in the late 19th century, he naturally grew to favor the independence of Ireland from Britain. When the Great War broke out, he volunteered under the impression that the necessary legislation for Ireland’s independence has passed, and that Ireland will soon be a nation separate from Britain. (in fact, the legislation was suspended for the duration of the war). Conall served as a tanker in the 10th Division, a gunner on a British Mark IV landship (female). Half the war he spent in a cramped room at temperatures upwards of 100 degrees (F) with seven others. Early on, a tanker was more likely to be killed by the tank than the enemy (poor ventilation meant that suffocation from the fumes was a common scene) but eventually both sides developed better weapons and methods for taking out armored targets. During the Spring Offensive of 1918 while defending against an increasingly overwhelming German army in the dead of night was his tank destroyed. Allied artillery fire (presumably requested by a desperate tank commander) blew a large hole on the right side of the tank killing his crew and leaving him bleeding out from a several large gashes from shrapnel. Outside he could still hear a handful of surviving Germans. With his remaining strength, he grabbed grenade and a pistol from his dead commander and crawled his way outside. Outside he found eight Stoßtruppen that seemed to have been barely scratched. Not missing a beat, Conall managed to kill four of them but his injuries made it difficult to kill the rest. It was then he heard a howl that chilled his bones followed by intermittent gunfire and screams. Something else killed the four he missed and he could tell it was heading for him next. Knowing he could not escape, and being practically blind from the blood gushing over his eyes, he struggled to fire a few more shots blindly at where he thought the thing to be before a sharp pain made him passed out. When he woke up, he found his wounds nearly healed and under the care of several men of both allied and central powers. He later learned that they were werewolves formerly consisting of the two sides before deserting and living in No Man’s Land. The one who saved him, a German, was impressed by his constitution and will and turned Conall into a Lycan to save him. For the rest of the war (which only ended up being about five more months) Conall lived and scavenged in the dangerous land between the trenches. A place where no man lives long, but he is not a man, at least not anymore. In his first few months as a Lycan, he was initially hesitant to consuming the raw flesh of fallen soldiers. Especially those that used to be his allies, but with each day he grew more and more distant from humans and their flesh tasted more and more pleasant, eventually becoming his preferred meal. Not to mention that his senses grew with him and that he could tell a man’s heritage from how he tasted. With the time he spent with his pack, he was taught how to hone his senses and become an apex predator. He learned to hear the crunching of distant leaves, to smell blood from miles away, to see a corpse in the darkest conditions, to move so fast to be a blur. Not all the skills were solely due to being a werewolf, he learned to related human skills such as stealth and making traps. Once his training was complete, he became a full member of his pack and learned of the Darkworld and the important rule. After the war, the pack went their separate ways and he returned to Ireland and lived as a hermit. Conall figured that if he was rarely in contact with humanity, he would not be likely to break the rule. The hardest part was being near humans and their succulent flesh but not able to feast on them, thankfully he was strong enough to resist and used this fact to bolster the idea that he was good. In the 1920s, Britain formed a force of temporary constables to assist the RIC during the Irish War of Independence, the Black and Tans. Due to the fact that they were rarely disciplined, they often gave arbitrary reprisals against the civilian population whenever one died from the fighting with the IRA. This gave them a brutal reputation and the attention of Conall. He realized their unpopularity would mean they would rarely be missed if something were to happen to them, and the fact that they were attacking unarmed/defenseless civilians outraged him. Over the next several years, he managed to lure, trap, and kill a notable amount of them and managed to satisfy his bloodlust for a while. When the Second World War broke out, he made his way into central Europe and terrorized the axis. Recently he received word from a fellow pack member of the war in the Darkworld and request for assistance to the rebels. He agreed, partially out of respect for the sender, but mostly out of his ideology. If the Darkworld would be revealed to the humans, another war would likely follow. Humans attack what they fear, and if the stuff of their nightmares were suddenly real… With nearly every battle Conall fought, he came out on top. He was an apex predator. With the few losses, he grew stronger. He changed, he evolved. The next war world determine if the humans are resilient enough to withstand the Darkworld or if they are weak and will be conquered. If they are weak, they will change, adapt, and fight again. War is part of their nature. Out of all of recorded history, only about 8% of the time was peaceful. If they prove strong enough, Conall will change, adapt, evolve. Conall eagerly awaits the opportunity to come. [b]Skills/Equipment:[/b] [b]Specifically to Lycan form:[/b] Enhanced smelling/hearing – Though Conall has better than normal hearing/smelling, but it is far improved in Lycan form Night vision – Conall can see clearly in low-light conditions Enhanced agility – Can run up to 75 mph, can leap 30 feet, and can react within 0.08 seconds Enhanced strength – All actions relating to strength such as biting, crushing, or clawing have extraordinary amounts of PSI driving it. Conall can easily tear through thin metal and with effort, can eventually rip through steel. Enhanced endurance – Can withstand more injuries and pain than a normal human. Berserk – Similar to how humans get an adrenaline rush, Conall can get a brief boost to strength and agility at the cost of being more reckless. Conall benefits from nearly two and a half times the increase in above traits and completely ignores pain. During this state he becomes weaker to all forms of magic, particularly demonic, and regeneration slows to near human levels. Lasts about 30 minutes and only triggers when enraged or should Conall fail to resist his bestial instincts to feast. [b]Other skills:[/b] Trap making - Can create various kinds of traps such as pits, deadfall traps, or snares. Stalking – Can sneak silently to prey, this effect is reduced in Lycan form. Especially when raining as fur has a particular scent when wet. He can also lie silently in wait for ambushes under cover. [b]Other Information:[/b] Bilingual: English and Irish Indomitable will: Conall will rarely surrender or give up, preferring to fight to the death if no other options present itself. [/hider]