[@Mercurial] Lorken registered the words escaping the boys mouth, accepted that his skewed sense of reality had been warped by seeming disappointment, and ignored them entirely. The heel of his shoe hit Dahn hard in the jaw with enough force to potentially dislocate it. Mercifully such was not the case. The red Devil could feel the blood on his back dripping down. That sensation was not only unwelcome it was enough to almost enough to drive him to that dark point of madness that hovered at the edge of his mind. A furious existence of Sadistic pleasures that had earned him the title of Scourge. It was only thanks to the years of dedication to focus that such a beast had never risen to the surface. Wiping away the thin line of sweat from his forehead onto the back of his arm, Lorken was quick to holster his firearm. A tad ashamed of having pulled it out but accepting that it had been a forced decision. That alone merited some credit on Dahns part. Hands on his hips, Lorken stared down at Dahn. Felt the bitter cold of their eyes meeting bitterly. [color=ed1c24]"Dahn Umimura, you are accepted. Pick yourself up when you're ready and wait outside for the rest I feel are worth our time."[/color] While the testing had not shown anything conclusive to match Lorkens criteria he had respect for someone stuck in the situation Dahn was in. With a dangerous Quirk like that it was wise to keep him from falling in line with how his father had come to money. [@Kuma] The damage inflicted wasn't as serious as Lorken had hoped. Truth be told he expected the boy to cry, to have his elbow break at an angle that made the appendage worthless until it could be set properly and heal. The truth of the matter was evident when the only result was an unpleasant sounding crack and a grimace of pain across the boys face before Yuri backpedalled out of close quarters to root around his bag. Again with the milk.. Lorken had his doubts that a simple carton of milk was sufficient to keep the boys powers tip-top but that was the way of quirks. Peculiar powers sometimes came with peculiar requirements. Yuri, no longer displaying signs of pain, displayed his bruised body and his arms for display. Despite the grievous injuries, the tiny places where the sharp edge of the knife had cut his shirt and the skin beneath, Yuri seemed no less willing to carry on if Lorken asked him to. It was clear Yuri was hopelessly outmatched in practical combat application and physical conditioning yet still he would persist against a superior opponent, not to prove anything so it seemed, but because it was asked of him perhaps? Whatever the real reason behind the optimism it was enough to sway Lorkens final decision. [color=ed1c24]"You pass. We'll start by working on how to make the best use of your quirk. For now, wait outside till the testing is over."[/color] --------------------- [@Blu] [quote=@Blu] [color=#A31221]"I'm going off school grounds. There's something important I have to do. Don't worry, this isn't an excuse to run away. I'll be back before long."[/color] At the exit, he turns around to face Lorken. [color=#A31221]"Hey, I want you to teach me how to punch."[/color] Kaz says with a serious expression and his left hand balled into a fist. [/quote] As Kazuto was heading to the door, Lorken cut him off. [color=ed1c24]"I want you to take the lessons seriously then." [/color] ------------------- [@liferusher] With no more students left to test, no more aches to ignore in the name of academic excellence, Lorken took the opportunity to stretch his tired body and was rewarded with a satisfying crack of his stiff shoulders. His clothes were bloody and now scars were going to paint his body when the drug finished the healing process but each one was a wound to be proud of. Nearly every scar on his muscular frame was worth being proud of. The Gymnasium door opened and there she was. The last one on his list of potential students, an insect mutation type quirk user by the name of Rikka Hirasawa. Normally he wouldn't have overlooked a student but she failed to arrive on the truck, failed to line up and announce herself, and had somehow managed to ignore the testing process every other student had gone through.. Fist clenched in anger he grabbed the top of Rikkas head while she was distracted and easily hoisted the girl into the air as he applied pressure, making the hold feel a bit like Lorken was trying to crush her skull like an egg. With a sigh he pulled her into the gymnasium and spun her around until they were looking eye to eye, though Rikka was still held firmly in the iron grip of the red Devil. Every inch of him was sore now. Bruised and battered, ultimately in no condition to a physical combat training exercise like he had with the others, and that meant Rikka would not be judged fairly. Not by his own standards at least. Without a proper reason to kick her out besides 'you missed the bus' it wasn't in him to remove the girl from the school without proper confirmation that she didn't belong.. Blowing out a sigh as he placed his free arm across his back, Lorken dropped Rikka to the ground. [color=ed1c24]"You were tardy, missed the bus, and have only made yourself completely known at the end of the testing period. By rights you should be removed for multiple failures on your end to participate willingly and fully, but I'm just going to ignore it for now. Until such a time as you can be accurately judged to be worthy or not of participating in L.O.S.E.R. training you will simply be treated as a guest." [/color] His unfocused expression soured into a glaring stare of disapproval as Lorken pointed one clawed finger at the closed door. [color=ed1c24]"Get out of my sight. Another tardy like this and you'll be dropped for good."[/color] With Rikka dealt with for now, all thats left was the settling in. ----------------------------- leaving just after Rikka did, a bit of irritation on his face, Lorken took a standing position in front of the gathered students. With each of them in about the same condition as he was it was clear they were all tired from the sudden conflict they had participated in. Addressing every student that had been accepted and remained waiting at the Gymnasiums doors, Lorken spoke sternly. [color=ed1c24]"You've all proven something to me today. You are unbroken. It's a good start to being a hero, so for now you are awarded free time. There are empty rooms in the basement of the house you entered through earlier that will serve as accommodations if you choose to live on the property. Those of you with family can shuttle here in the mornings by the truck from earlier. Take this time to recover and get familiar. Dismissed." [/color] Lorken was the first to retire for the day. The fighting had gone on for longer than expected, it now being nearly noon with the sun high in the sky, and it had taken its toll. Hopefully the students would settle in quietly and avoid making a mess of his home in the process. If they did it meant discipline in the morning. If not, praise. They would learn quickly that their new teacher had zero tolerance for clowns and troublemakers in his home. They were free to cook whatever meals they wanted, enjoy the use of the television, and explore the grounds as they saw fit. Lorken however would take his relaxation upstairs to his personal chambers where no student was allowed to bother him without good reason. From there, it was a quick shower and some clean clothes before taking a spot on his chair with a light novel in hand. (OK so its free-time until I update again. Take this opportunity to cause trouble. If you need to know anything about your surroundings that aren't covered already please ask me.)