Despite holding out the cleansing wipes the rabbit girl did not seem to want them, or had yet to make up her mind. She was about to give up when the poor man in sand woke up. Wren was turning to help him when a bright ass light came out of nowhere, an angel or an angel derivative species, basically shiny try-hards who generally 1 to 2 parties per week. "Woah there buddy, someone left their brights on." She said shielding her face with one hand and fishing around for her sunglasses with the other. After putting them on she was finally able to get a good look at Mr. Bright Light, "Six wings, so you're a Seraph then? Don't get a lot of your kind around here, mostly just demons." Meanwhile the man buried in sand was still in a bit of a conundrum. "Dear god no you're still with us. Also may I ask, what do you mean dying again, you don't look like a supernatural. No discernible features yet, this could be one for the Family Book. Are you in fact a supernatural being? Or is your normal appearance due to a possession of some sort. Well I guess we'll see when you get out of that sand." [@Samdragonx][@Conscripts][@Mae]