[hider= Mildred Portia Caustik] [center] [img]http://cdn-wpmsa.defymedia.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2011/08/kelly-640x426.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Mildred Portia Caustik [/color][/h1] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Basic Summary [/color][/h1] [color=D4F0FF]Name:[/color] Mildred Portia Caustik [color=D4F0FF]Age:[/color] 18 [color=D4F0FF]Gender:[/color] Female [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Personality [/color][/h1] [color=D4F0FF]Personality:[/color] She is pretty odd. She loves aliens and ghosts and fairytales, but she can't stand romantic comedy movies. Used to being pulled this way and that by her temperamental parents, she has a tendency to get quiet when someone else is upset with her. She loves to cut loose though, almost like she is trying to free all that built up pressure and negativity in her system. Open minded, she will probably try pretty much anything at least once. But even though she is mischievous and love to tease others, she is really sensitive about people bringing up her unique face. Kids used to call her Bulldog in elementary school and she still hasn't quite gotten over those tender scars. [color=D4F0FF]Sexuality:[/color] Heteroflexible [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=D4F0FF]Likes:[/color] + accessories, unusual fashion and things that are a bit strange + ghosts, spirits and places that are haunted + going window shopping and trying things on + the feel of pure cotton linens + skin care products, wading, someone doing her hair [color=D4F0FF]Dislikes:[/color] - people mistaking her for glaring at them - looking to plain or average - being hungry, sweaty or dirty - being in too deep of water - whole wheat bread with the seeds on the crust [color=D4F0FF]Other:[/color] She has a habit of making self deprecating jokes about herself when she is uncomfortable. [img]http://i.imgur.com/4944h.gif[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Appearance [/color][/h1] [color=D4F0FF]Height:[/color] 5'4" [color=D4F0FF]Weight:[/color] 132 lb [color=D4F0FF]Eye Color:[/color] Pale ice blue [color=D4F0FF]Hair Color & Style:[/color] Light brown with blonde highlights, kept long and often wavy from the braid she puts it in sometimes. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ith6BkmlCho/TcJrG-iqaXI/AAAAAAAABKc/sB1TsVoH9dE/s1600/kelly3.jpg[/img] [color=D4F0FF]Build:[/color] A pretty lean body, she might have been good at sports if she had been allowed to join them during high school. [color=D4F0FF]Skin Tone:[/color] Creamy white and very pale [color=D4F0FF]Other:[/color] Her ears are pierced and she always wears earrings. She practically has a pair per day of the year. Her hands are callused and she has scars on her fingertips from working with the metal wire to make her jewelry. She has a single tattoo in the middle of her finger of an alien face. [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5723f414b6aa606f789687af/572676ba7c65e48584fec843/57268e89f85082b93e10cd51/1495838911372/tumblr_np2w0t2xOM1qbbrt2o1_500.gif?format=1000w[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=D4F0FF] History [/color][/h1] [color=D4F0FF]Backstory:[/color] Mildred was born with a bit of bad luck. Her parents were teenagers and she was the reason her mother didn't go to prom. Born three days before her mother and father graduated, she was partially raised by her great aunt for a little while. Then came the twins and her parents insisted she return to live with them when she was eight (coincidentally after all the 'difficult years' were over). The twins were doted on of course, since they took after their mother, whereas Mildred got her father's bulldog set eyes and sharp cut features. A year before she entered high school, her parents finally split, after years of yelling at one another and pointing out one another's flaws constantly. Mildred thought she could breathe a sigh of relief. But nope! She was designated the messenger between the two households, and if she didn't relay her parents' words word-by-word, then she was accused of taking side and trying to start trouble. Diving into her arts to escape the pressure of her parents, she started making plans to get away from her neurotic family. Both her parents met other people of course. Her father got a girlfriend just a couple years older than Mildred (total creepsville by the way). Her mother jumped right into another marriage with some lawyer who had a daughter two years younger than Mildred. And it seemed that her mother seemed to enjoy her new family more than her old one, so Mildred was spared being the messenger between the two households for her senior year. So now is the time let wild just a little bit before going off to college. [color=D4F0FF]Family:[/color] Louise Collins (mother) + Micheal Collins (step-father) Chanel Collins (step-sister) Sergey Caustik (father) + Liliya Vieno (father's girlfriend) Maximillian Caustik (brother; twin) Aleks Caustik (brother; twin) [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Future Plans [/color][/h1] [color=D4F0FF]What do you plan to do:[/color] Graduate with at least one award and chords in art. Get a part time job at a retail or jewelry store. Go to college and major in Accessory Design and Minor in Jewelry Making. Sell personal product. Get name to become a specialty label. Live comfortably in an apartment over a bakery. Travel to Europe. Be awesome. Some flexibility for being abducted by aliens available. [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ls5487p37b1qbbyr4o1_r1_400.gif[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Relationships [/color][/h1] [hider=Relationships] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Elizabeth Sumpter[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Girl, we are two peas in a pod! Eat junk food with me anytime!" [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Geneva Ivy Rose[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Don't know her much, but as long as she is chill and honest, we can hang." [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Sarah Kleine[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Can you just adopt me already?" [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Brandon Scoville[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Ooooh! It's Mouse Boi! Guys smarter than smart, but a little timid, ya know? I bet he hasn't gotten any yet and that is why he is hiding under all that smartness. Just needs someone to break the shell a bit. Now, where is my nutcracker?" [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Jocelyn Nicole Fields[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "A natural bad$$. Got to love her." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Ronald "Ronnie" Pacheco Alvarez[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Total adren-junky, so I can appreciate that. I mean if he jumps, I think anyone who had a streak of adventure in them would follow. Count me in, just lemme put on my swimsuit." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Alex Hill[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Dude's a babe! Wait, how many girlfriends will come to scratch out my eyeballs for saying that?" [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Damarquis Jovanté Evans[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "A [b]FABULOUS[/b] person! Just lemme bow down right now, that is how fab he is." [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Amelia Artemia Averyonna[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Who?" [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Lance Aaron Peterson[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Hahaha! [b]That[/b] guy! Boy if he were a fair ride, I'd probably go twice. Too bad his mouth moves too much, huh?" [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Penelope Tristan[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "UGH. How can anyone look so flawless [i]all[/i] the time? MAX JELIOUS." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Asariel Kaiden Brennan[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "If I could whistle, I would catcall that boy so haaard!" [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Rose 'Roslyn' Edric[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "Yea, no clue." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Loki 'Lily' Edric[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "'Another hit and a miss for Mildred on the batting field today!' What? I dunno who he is either." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Annabelle Lee Strang[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "A chill and bomba$$ person. We can kit the Molly anytime." [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Lucille En'Fleur[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] "LOL bro I dunno. A french painter?" [hr] [hr] [color=D4F0FF]Name[/color] [color=D4F0FF]Relationship Details:[/color] (What do you think of them) [hr] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Mildred's Answers] 1. What are your names? [color=D4F0FF]"Mildred Portia Caustik. Yeah, it sounds sort of like an old port or wine, I know."[/color] 2. Do you know why you were named that? [color=D4F0FF]"Probably some relative I don't know."[/color] 3. What are you? [color=D4F0FF]"Pfft. Awesome. Clearly."[/color] 4. What's your gender? [color=D4F0FF]"I am a lady, yo."[/color] 5. How old are you? [color=D4F0FF]"Eighteen."[/color] 6. What do you think your life expectancy is? [color=D4F0FF]"Legendary."[/color] 7. What's your height? [color=D4F0FF]"Five foot, four."[/color] 8. What's your eye color? [color=D4F0FF]"Ice blue."[/color] 9. How about hair color? [color=D4F0FF]"Light brown with blonde highlights."[/color] 10. Do you think you're attractive? [color=D4F0FF]"I'm an acquired taste of awesome."[/color] 11. Do you have any features that you want to get rid of, if you could? [color=D4F0FF]"My dad's facial feature of a bulldog's glare..."[/color] 12. How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? [color=D4F0FF]"Uh, just say hello and what my name is? That how normal people do."[/color] 13. Have any abilities or powers? [color=D4F0FF]"The power of being awesome."[/color] 14. Stop being a Mary-sue! [color=D4F0FF]"Um, pardon you?"[/color] 15. What do you usually wear? [color=D4F0FF]"Earrings for life."[/color] 16. Do you ever walk around naked? [color=D4F0FF]"Only in the bathroom... And that one time when I went skinny dipping."[/color] 17. Ever cross-dressed before? [color=D4F0FF]"Yes, for spirit week."[/color] 18. What do you wear to bed? [color=D4F0FF]"I am usually naked... Why do you need to know?"[/color] 19. What's in your pockets right now? [color=D4F0FF]"My cell phone is in my hand, so not that. Uh, a tube of lipstick, a note to myself to check out a new ghost hauntings book and a twenty dollar bill."[/color] 20. To what social class do you belong? [color=D4F0FF]"My mom and step-father are upper class, I guess. My dad is more middle class. I don't really [i]belong[/i] anywhere."[/color] 21. What is your job? [color=D4F0FF]"I [i]did[/i] work part time at a hotel, at the front desk, but people are jerks, so I quit."[/color] 22. What is your lifelong dream? [color=D4F0FF]"I want to have my own jewelry line."[/color] 23. What is your worst nightmare? [color=D4F0FF]"Burning alive."[/color] 24. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? [color=D4F0FF]"I think I am pretty honest with those I trust. That is what matters right? I can hide from everyone else so as long as I am honest with the people who count."[/color] 25. What's one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your personality? [color=D4F0FF]"I like how I have grown to be more adventurous. I do not like my reactive temperment."[/color] 26. What do you do on a regular basis? [color=D4F0FF]"Wake up, eat before everyone gets up, shower and brush my teeth. Do my hair, do my makeup, dress accordingly. Get a coffee to go while driving to school. Come home, do homework. Relax in my room or sneak out to hand with friends."[/color] 27. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? [color=D4F0FF]"I like listening to music while reading or working on my jewelry. Also ghost hunting."[/color] 28. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. [color=D4F0FF]"Bluegrass music, seeds on bread crusts, pests, noxious smells."[/color] 29. What are you most afraid of? [color=D4F0FF]"Burning alive or drowning."[/color] 30. Have any secrets? [color=D4F0FF]"I don't generally have secrets with my close friends, but I was a Baby Girl for about a month once."[/color] 31. Name your worst habits? [color=D4F0FF]"Pretending to be a good little girl and then doing something way bad or naughty."[/color] 32. Any nasty indulgences, like smoking or gambling? [color=D4F0FF]"I will try pretty much anything except for the hardcore stuff, just to experience it. Does that count?"[/color] 33. Have any of you ever done illegal things knowingly (don't include petty things like jaywalking)? What were they? [color=D4F0FF]"Underage smoking, drinking, nicked a candy bar from a WallyWorld, drove without a license, weed... And a good bit of it was with my dad's consent. Well not that candy bar bit. Don't tell him about that."[/color] 34. Are you one to hold a grudge? [color=D4F0FF]"I try not to but I won't lie... Yeah."[/color] 35. What do you do when you're upset? [color=D4F0FF]"If I'm angry I'll isolate myself until the feeling is gone... Maybe eat something spicy."[/color] 36. What's one thing that could potentially cause you to go into a blind rage? [color=D4F0FF]"Racism, claims that global warming is a myth, homophobia, disrespect towards others..."[/color] 37. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? [color=D4F0FF]"Fisting or anything to do with bodily functions- Oh wait. What are we talking about?"[/color] 38. What's your preferred weapon of choice? [color=D4F0FF]"A giant tome of a book."[/color] 39. What is your favorite colour? [color=D4F0FF]"Pastel blue."[/color] 40. Favorite drink? [color=D4F0FF]"Dr.Pepper for a bite. Peach juice for something sweet."[/color] 41. Alright. What's your favorite food? [color=D4F0FF]"BBQ Chicken wings! With ranch, not blue cheese."[/color] 42. What are your thoughts on pie? [color=D4F0FF]"Chocolate pie with coffee! Yum!"[/color] 43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=D4F0FF]"Mint chocochip with gummy bears."[/color] 44. Where are you from? [color=D4F0FF]"Columbia, South Carolina."[/color] 45. What's your favorite place? [color=D4F0FF]"Public gardens. They are usual so bright, cheerful and peaceful."[/color] 46. What's your least favorite place? [color=D4F0FF]"My mother and step-father's house."[/color] 47. Where do you wish you could be right now, regardless of whether it's real or not? [color=D4F0FF]"Pagan realm of the Ancient Greek Gods, DemiGods and mythical creatures."[/color] 48. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you first meet someone? [color=D4F0FF]"Their eyes."[/color] 49. What is your favorite season? [color=D4F0FF]"All of them are rather nice... Winter and Fall more so."[/color] 50. Do you believe in love at first sight? [color=D4F0FF]"Heh, that is called 'lust', sweetpea."[/color] 51. Gay, straight, or bi? [color=D4F0FF]"Heteroflexible~ I think girls are pretty, intelligent and good kissers, but for the most part I am attracted to guys and all their hard angles. Also I am not against a poly relationship, ya know~?"[/color] 52. Are you interested in anyone? [color=D4F0FF]"Not at the moment, no."[/color] 53. What do you look for in a partner? [color=D4F0FF]"I look for someone who understand, I suppose. Someone willing to give me what I need and receive what I have to give."[/color] 54. What's your idea of a perfect date? [color=D4F0FF]"Probably watch starts by the lake while on a blanket, wrapped around one another for warmth..."[/color] 55. Are you single or taken? [color=D4F0FF]"I'm single~"[/color] 56. Are you a virgin? [color=D4F0FF]"Depends on what you consider virgin... I've never had vaginal penetration. Most of my 'experience' comes from the kink site I am a member on. How's that?"[/color] 57. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, who was your first? Who was your last? [color=D4F0FF]"My first kiss was the boy who sat next to me in Spanish class in elementary school. I dunno what we were thinking. We just sort of did it behind the teacher's back while no one was looking... As for my last kiss? Three weeks ago at a...party. Yeah, I'll just stick with 'party'."[/color] 58. What is your favorite thing to touch? [color=D4F0FF]"Uuuuuh..."[/color] 59. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? [color=D4F0FF]"Sure. Just not till I am financially stable."[/color] 60. Have any family members? [color=D4F0FF]"Yeah. Divorce does that I guess."[/color] 61. Oh? How about pets? [color=D4F0FF]"No way. My step-sister is super sensitive or something and my father is way overly protective of his furniture."[/color] 62. How many friends do you have? [color=D4F0FF]"I have a good bit, I think."[/color] 63. If the one you cared most about in your life were to somehow die today, how would you react and what would you do? [color=D4F0FF]"I'd get seriously depressed... How do you get over something like that?"[/color] 64. Do you look up to anyone at all? [color=D4F0FF]"Mostly authors actually. Like Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters."[/color] 65. Do you hate anyone? [color=D4F0FF]"Hate is a strong word. I hate the things that people do, but to hate the person is too heavy, you know?"[/color] 66. Who is your worst enemy? [color=D4F0FF]"Myself probably... Or my mother."[/color] 67. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before? [color=D4F0FF]"Probably... We all do... Even if it was unintentional. It just sorta happens, you know?"[/color] 68. Ever... killed anyone before? [color=D4F0FF]"Ew. No."[/color] 69. Under what circumstances do you think killing someone justified, in general? [color=D4F0FF]"If they're a serious danger to society with no hopes of reformation."[/color] 70. Are you wanted for anything? [color=D4F0FF]"Haha~ No. And you can't prove anything."[/color] 71. Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? [color=D4F0FF]"PFFT! Heck no. I am made of muffins and coffee."[/color] 72. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? [color=D4F0FF]"My great auntie showing me how to bake cookie in her sunlit kitchen..."[/color] 73. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change? [color=D4F0FF]"I would have never been so agreeable with my parents... Maybe if I had been more rebellious I wouldn't be so messed up in the ego and confidence areas..."[/color] 74. What kind of animal are you most like? [color=D4F0FF]"...You trying to make jokes? ...Well, since everyone calls me 'bulldog' behind my back, I wonder just what animal I am."[/color] 75. Do/did you go to school? [color=D4F0FF]"Uh, duh."[/color] 76. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? [color=D4F0FF]"PFFT! Me? Yeah, no way."[/color] 77. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you? [color=D4F0FF]"I'm not very large... 34 B..."[/color] 78. What's one phrase you overuse? [color=D4F0FF]"Yes."[/color] 79. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? [color=D4F0FF]"I am not very good at swimming..."[/color] 80. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? [color=D4F0FF]"No better thing to do, so as long as it isn't deep."[/color] 81. How long can you stay under water? [color=D4F0FF]"Huh... I don't really know. Probably not very long."[/color] 82. Any fetishes? [color=D4F0FF]"Yes, yes I do. L'see~ Hm, spanking, hair pulling, being pinned against a wall, babygirl-daddy stuff, bondage, flogging- What? Don't look at me like that! I need undivided attention [b]sometime[/b] in my life, okay?"[/color] 83. Seme or uke? [color=D4F0FF]"Heh~ Like I would love to be a seme-looking uke. Don't tell anyone I was able to answer this question."[/color] 84. Which do you like more, sad stories or happy stories? [color=D4F0FF]"Happy stories. I like fiction because it takes me away from the real world!"[/color] 85. Camping or indoors? [color=D4F0FF]"I like both!"[/color] 86. Do you like to sing or dance? [color=D4F0FF]"UM?! YES! Of course! You know on average people who sing keep their voices stronger and longer as they get older!"[/color] 87. To what degree do you avoid risks and danger? [color=D4F0FF]"I think I look out for myself pretty well, but you only get to live once, ya know?"[/color] 88. What makes you vulnerable? [color=D4F0FF]"Sharing my weaknesses or flaws, admitting my mistakes or insecurities, maybe loving some. Maybe."[/color] 89. Under what circumstance would you risk your own life for someone else? [color=D4F0FF]"Like if a baby was in the middle of the street? Yeah stuff like that I suppose."[/color] 90. How would you describe your current adventuring companions to a friend you trust? [color=D4F0FF]"They give me what my family never could. Unconditional love."[/color] 91. What do you do to relax? [color=D4F0FF]"Put my music on one of my playlists, turn it on shuffle, put in my earbuds, and read with the door locked."[/color] 92. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? [color=D4F0FF]"The only person who has any control over your life is you. Don't like something? Do something about it."[/color] 93. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. [color=D4F0FF]"I'm good at knowing what I want, planning things out, and helping others. I'm not great at swimming, contact sports or whistling."[/color] 94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? [color=D4F0FF]"In my sleep. Like for sure. Or an aneurysm. I hear you get a small headache, feel peachy and then bam, you're outta here."[/color] 95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. [color=D4F0FF]"I'd probably tell my family off, then make up with them and then spend my last moments with my friends."[/color] 96. What's one word that best describes you? [color=D4F0FF]"Goal-oriented."[/color] 97. What would you do if you could meet your creator? [color=D4F0FF]"Tell them they are sick and twisted for making my family the way it is. But yeah I guess it is pretty cool to be alive..."[/color] 98. What are your impressions about the other interviewees? [color=D4F0FF]"They're totally cool. Like I may only be suuuper close to a few, but I thing all of them are rad. I don't hang out with deadbeats, ya know?"[/color] 99. Do you even want to be here? [color=D4F0FF]"Duh."[/color] 100. What do you spend most of your time doing? [color=D4F0FF]"Working on my jewelry and planning my future."[/color] [/hider]