[@Frettzo] I can't claim to be an expert on the UK, but I can say you'll be at a significant advantage for being fluent in English and wanting to work. As I understand it, much of the right wing poopooing about migrants is towards the economic refugees from northern Africa posing as Syrians and other Salafist Muslim migrants who are forming enclave communities and not integrating into British culture so well. In contrast, there are loads of Sikhs and European migrants who most people seem to be fine with. Then again, I'm not from the UK. I could be completing misreading the situation. If there's a UK consulate in or around your country still, it may be worth contacting them to get information on the immigration process. If you are moving because of the danger, I would explore the option of immigrating as an asylum seeker. As I understand it, they have an easier time getting into certain countries. Ask about that if you can. The above advice is just from second/third-hand accounts, though. The only absolutely solid do-not-ignore advice I can give you is [b]have your passport and identification![/b] Not being able to prove your identity and country of origin is what puts most people in immigration limbo, at least when coming to my country.