[center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Victoria[/color][/h1][/center] She drummed her nails along the desk as she read through some of her curriculum plans for the next few weeks. Just getting that last check in and assuring she was hitting all the topics for the students end of year testing. She sipped her coffee slowly, looking at the time and realizing her class was about to start. A small sigh escaped her lips upon this sudden realization. She grabbed her last piece of blueberry muffin and tossed it into her mouth, she had packed it for later - but hey, she lived on campus and could walk back during lunch. She wiped her hands of crumbs, throwing away the napkin, her head turned to the wall as she looked back at the time. The students were making their way here, she had a few last minutes to herself. Victoria stood up wiping her skirt of any residing crumbs, and walked over to the whiteboard pulling down the world map above it. As she did this, she noticed a few students start to trickle in. More like a minute to herself. "Oh hello! Find yourself a seat, anywhere," She gestured to the students who were filing in. Greeting every single one that came through the door. It seemed a bit eccentric, but whatever. She waltzed over to her desk, flipping through a few papers - finally finding the one she wanted, the class roster. "Alright, Good Morning class," She started, her eyes slowly moving from face to face, "To start, if everyone could introduce themselves. Just your name, and one or two things about yourself, I guess I could start....I am Ms Racine, I....". She clasped her hands together, rocking back and forth on her heels, "Love Horror movies, and traveling......well that was terrible," She mumbled the last bit, shrugging nonchalantly - "Okay, well...anyone start".