[center][h1][color=E97E99]Millicent Clarke[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/SPSJuKZtKMQlq/giphy.gif[/img] [color=E97E99][i]Location: Port of Tortuga[/I][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Millicent followed the Doctor not because of his grip on her (though she found it oddly comforting after recent events) but because she felt she had to. She inadvertently dragged him into this. Not one to care about anyone else for the most part, but she didn't enjoy putting innocent people in harm's way and she ended up doing so. She should have just left him there. But then again, who knows what might have happened? He may have been shot. Or hanged. Once he stopped he pestered her with countless questions. She had to stop herself from smacking him. She held up her hands in defense, [color=E97E99]"Calm yourself Doctor. We just got out of that situation alive, let's rest a bit first. As for why I am here, that is information you need not know and you should resign yourself with learning to stop asking so many questions. I have no plans on leaving anytime soon, so if you wished a ship to take you back you will have to look elsewhere. I have important matters here that need to be addressed before I can return."[/color] She had to pity the man. She couldn't imagine he had a nice time getting here, but she had business. [color=E97E99]"As I said, I am staying at the Faithful Bride. You can come if you wish, but you are now a free man. What you do is your own."[/color]