[@Echoes] [h2][color=lightseagreen][center] Sheila Horusfall [/center][/color][/h2] Sheila walked into the classroom quite late if she said so herself. This was normally not the case for her as she always went everywhere early but it was too bad, she was still getting settled here wasn't she? [color=lightseagreen]"Hi, Professor. I'm sorry I came late. I was getting settled in."[/color] Sheila brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked around at the class seated there. Some nice looking faces shone at her but other than that juvenile delinquent school seemed like the breeding place of boringness. Why didn't she just ask the police officers to go to jail and then get bailed out by her parents? How stupid it was to actually have to come here. She hitched her bag further up her should, deliberately letting her eyes scan a couple of the boys [@Mistiel][@FalkiThomas][@Echoes]. She also lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers as a greeting to the girls [@KahleenCuthald][@Xandrya][@ViannaNight][@mskennedy615]