[@Mae] [hider=Shas'ti][i]Let's get this thing out of the way first :sun It's ShaS'ti :lol[/i] Can you state what type of practical clothes Shas'ti likes to wear? [i]Ugh... Hate describing clothes... or shopping for clothes :sun I'll try :lol[/i] Ok so, the way the Dark God/Starkissed system works is those who are working against the Starkissed are Dark Gods, and those who work with benevolence with them are Starkissed. I would say Te'Muti is more a Starkissed spy then actually a Dark God, since she's not working against the Starkissed. More like a sleeper agent. [i]Yes... I get that... Would it have been better not mentioning that so that only I would know. If you want me to remove the Dark God tag I don't mind :sun[/i] Magic animal handling: Sorry this is more of an ability so this one I won't allow I'm afraid. You could do something like "magical creatures are less likely to attack her" [i]Just basic animal handling then. But that would still allow her to ride pantheras for instance :sun[/i] Dragon Knowledge: What is she knowledgable of? Dragons themselves? Or everything? [i]No, not nowledge about dragons. But from dragons. Since they are really old, especially the Great Ones... So they would know a thing or two about survival more than the average person.[/i] Stealth: Okay so is she good at hiding OR very fast? [i]In my mind stealth requires both speed and agility. But for this let's make it straight stealth - hiding.[/i] Half-breed: So you could pick faster here and then make stealth stealth-only and not speed related. Or you can make this strength related. OR you can have a small general bonus (think Raydon's ability to have no penalties based on weapons, but no bonuses). Also if you want to base your mechanics on her half breed nature, would you be able to tell me or Melo who her mother was? This may have IC implications, however if you wish to leave it vague you can. [i]To be frank I haven't thought of what her mother is exactly... But since I want her mechanics to be based on that I'll try to find something suitable and tell you guys only, because I don't want it to be public knowledge.[/i] Also I see her lore mastery is in her skills :D I think a little of her backstory: Of course the basic survival skill set was also ingrained in her from a very young age. Hunting for food, foraging, basic healing techniques, vast variety of combat techniques. Shas'ti was well versed in the use of most human weapons and Shan'tu often wondered if her combat prowess was due to her mixed heritage. doesn't line up with her skillset currently, but that might just be my lack of understanding of a couple of things. [i]"By the time she was about twelve she already knew most of the clans' scriptures and had extensive knowledge about each tribe's lore. For those were the most basic skills hunters like herself and her dad required to do their job." This is actually her most important skill as a magic beast hunter. Since one would suppose those animals don't just show themselves she would have to know the lore that exists and use that to piece together what they might be and where to find them. So her basic training is second to that.[/i] Sleep!: With a touch Shas'ti can induce a light sleep into anyone and anything. The bigger the target, the harder it is to put it to sleep. [i]I'm fine with that change :sun[/i] Dream Imprisonment: Here are some fun options for you :D Shash'ti can lock someone into a trance, sometimes a dream or nightmare, for up to ten minutes. This ability will fail when the character is presented with pain, life or death situation, or if they begin to feel something is wrong very powerfully. OR Shash'ti can put someone into a light sleep for a few moments, allowing them to wake up either refreshed or sluggish. [i]I'll take option #1, thank you :sun[/i] Dream Attack: A global targetted attack is a touch too powerful for a Moderate-low ability. I really like that you're keeping to your theme, but i'd be tempted to make this an ultimate ability or a penultimate power ability with some distance nerfs. If you still want this ability here, we can do something with it, but it will require nurfing the distance among other things. Is that okay? Really like that she can get hurt back though :D [i]Let's replace the Ability Imprinting with this one than with whatever you feel apropriate as nerfs for that ability slot and I'll find another ability for this slot. Like this: Dream Recall: Shas'ti can make someone recall all their nightmares they've ever had, causing their brain to short out, launching them in a catatonic state for...[/i] Dream Materialisation: Again a bit powerful for a slot, unless these things that she can materialise are one non-living, non-magical mundane object at a time. [i]Non-living and non-magical deffinitely... I was thinking more along the lines of weapons, but since they are pulled out of the dreamscape they could be not yet existing weapons. [s]Like bazookas for instance[/s] :lol[/i] The Bliss Or Horror Of Dreams: Pick whether you want this to fear or buff :D [i]Let's go with buff, she's a good girl after all :sun[/i] Oneiric Teleportation: Can she specifically teleport to a person or just within a general area? Right now i'm leaning towards: So long as she doesn't have any negative intent, Te'Muti can teleport to any sleeping creature within 600m of her location if one is nearby. If no one is present in that area, the ability does not trigger and the cost is not used. [i]Just within a general area of a sleaper... She can use the sleaper as a beacon of sorts to teleport to that location. Not with the intent to get to a specific person. It's a streight movement ability. Just a long-distance one.[/i] Ability Imprinting: No sorry this ability doesn't work, would you be able to think of something else for this slot? [i]Replaced with Dream Atack. I don't mind, it's okay :sun[/i] Panmnesia: this is cool, but I worry about it's use in later eras. Memories will be retained between incarnations anyway, so you will find this ability does not measure up to other 9s really fast. Also, if you can imagine the last era, it would be sad if you couldn't use your 9 in a final showdown or something. I would suggest a new 9 for this slot <3 [i]What memories do we retain though... This is intended for memories from when she was a god. Not human memories she makes each new incarnation. So that she can remember what the dark gods did and retain that. If that still doesn't work... I'm sure I can pick a 9 Melo would be glad to steal away from me :newlol As beckup: How about an aoe attack of sorts... For instance: A Glimpse Of Akasha: Shas'ti can open the gates to Akasha wide for anyone within a radius of..., overwhelming their brains with the sheer amount of knowledge and informations stored their, causing them to immediately lose consciousnes and or die... not sure...[/i][/hider]