[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rxa8BBL.png[/img][/center] [@NarayanK] [@Write] [color=00aeef]”Rough morning?”[/color] The Faunus girl currently planted face down on her desk certainly [i]looked[/i] like it. Afternoon had just started and [i]something[/i] had her down. Maybe lack of sleep, maybe personal issues, who knew. But she kinda looked like Professor Nuit, from what he could see, and that was reason enough to be kinda curious. Plus he needed to find somewhere he and Sangue could sit together or she’d be upset and this fit the bill. It wasn’t lost on him that she’d followed him from lunch, and pretty much through all their morning classes. His morning hadn’t actually been that eventful, all things considered, though the way he woke up was different. He’d gotten a pretty good night’s sleep, which he [i]needed[/i] after pulling an all-nighter the day before. Results were worth it, but goddamn sleep deprivation was a bitch. [color=00aeef]”Hey.”[/color] He greeted with a raise of his hand when she looked up, sliding into the chair next to her with a friendly grin. His notebook met the desk with a light [i]thwack[/i], but the noise had nothing on the [i]thunk[/i] of Joyous Guard meeting the ground. The shield lay horizontally on the ground behind him, resting against the next tier of desks. Only way to keep it from blocking someone’s view. He patted the seat to his left, making sure Sangue knew she could sit there, before he glanced back over to the Faunus. [color=00aeef]”Ben Lloyd. Good to meet you.” “Don’t suppose you’re related to the new Survival teacher, are you?”[/color]