Water. Sweet lord, mother of all life, thank the gods for water. Thank the Gods for warm, soapy water and the fat old women of the world who prepared it. Put a couple of young attractive men in here with her and it would be exactly like the old days, her and the boys pulling in to a town of ill repute to spend hard earned loot on drinks, food, and pleasurable company. Those days were far behind her now, of course. Her sweet good boys were probably all dead, and as she scrubbed the stink of eight years off her body she was struck for the first time with how bony it'd gotten during her confinement. There was still muscle there, a core that had been built over years of ships work and wet work, that she had manged to hold on to mostly through sheer bloody minded spite. It was still nothing like she had been in her prime. She felt it hang loose, and it bunched up uncomfortable as she scrubbed up and down her arms. She wondered if this is how her pop pop had felt when he realized he was getting old. She dunked her head and started working on her hair. None of it came out in her hands, fortunately. Oh well. "Fear an old man in a young mans game," as her old pop pop used to say. [hr] She came out of the tub feeling refreshed and light on her feet. She bounced experimentally back and forth to test the spring in her step and stopped only as her stomach started to growl, triggered by this unusual burst of movement. She hoped Dulcena was one of those exercise nuts with a private gymnasium, but even if she wasn't Bergoda felt like she could get back in good shape. Not quite as good as her old shape, but a good one. There was a simple grey shirt and pair of trousers provided which she threw on as soon as she was dry and headed back up onto the lawn. "Oi, boys." she called out to the crew she'd be working with. "Next one up." She said, walking past them and over to the newly clean boy, Rolf. "Cheeky boy, cuttin' in front of a old lady on the way to the bath. Weren't you raised with no manners?" She said jovially before sticking out a hand. "Rolf, right? Heard you introduce yourself to the big guy. Bergoda's the name. Probably heard me introduce myself to the Lady, but I figured I'd be polite about it and all seein' as we're crew-mates now."