[center][h2][color=yellow]Alexander Flores[/color][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/ea/39/4eea39affbad1bc022ea71907f3a0df4.jpg[/img] [hr]Location: Callie's Inn Tags: Myra [@Caits], Sombra [@Vicier] Alexander had a momentary shock at his mothers sudden change from watching to charging in. So much so that when he finally jumped up the man had to jog to catch up to the older woman and the pup trailing beside her. On the way here Alex admitted he was more than easily relaxed about facing his former best friend and sister but now that they were stepping through the front door of the building housing them? He didn't falter or slow despite the fact that a part of him wasn't completely comfortable. Was it nervousness? Fear? [i][color=yellow]Fear of what?[/color][/i] Alexander thought to himself in annoyance, stomping through the lobby area only to pause at the realization he was alone. With a whirl he turned to look at his mother who seemed more or less...confused? As if waiting for something to happen, though he suspected she just assumed Sombra or James would have been waiting to surprise them. Alexander had learned not to question Myra's instincts however so he didn't say a word but merely waited at the bottom of the steps so they could go together. Once at the top Alexander merely glanced at the pup to make sure he wasn't going to get himself in trouble, moving just one step behind his mother. [color=yellow]"Are you just hoping your cop senses will start tingling or am I missing how you know which of these doors to knock on?" [/color]Alex asked, glancing at the doors as they passed. The Inn wasn't exactly huge, so they could easily knock until Sombra or James answered one but it seemed as though Myra had some hint as to where she was going. It wasn't until he noticed her focus on the door just ahead that the man realized she might have known something he didn't, but shoved it away because of the task at hand. Coming up on Myra's right, when they reached the door he was the closest and didn't hesitate to step forwards and reach out to give the doorhandle a twist. The worst that could happen would have been walking in on strangers, Callie might have been pissed later but that was really the extent of it since his mother the police officer was in tow. Alexander swallowed before he swung the door open with an angry determined look on his face, a lack of the full room from the entryway. [color=yellow]"Sombra!"[/color] He called out announcing his presence as he stepped inside the threshold in the event they were wrong, an accent from his first language that usually stays decently hidden came out strong with the name. [/center]