It was early in the morning when a ship of colossal dimensions could be seen sailing in custinian waters, the same ship had been seen in different Kingdoms from all around the world and was now returning home. It's mission was simple: Pick up the new students of the Academy, in deed, the ship was crowded with freshmen from very different places as the archipelago had always been, since the Academy was funded, a place to exchange knowledge, products and cultures. "Look! The Academy can be seen from here! It's huge!" A female student shouted and soon most of the students gathered to see rhe majestic building. Despite the commotion a student didn't seem to be really inrerested to see what was ahead of him and instead focused on observing the black sword in his hands, a sword that from time to time would move on it's own as if it was trying to cut it's owner. [color=fff79a]I have finally arrived grandpa, I will do my best and control this sword so your death wont be in vain![/color] And with such words Faust watched the Academy, looking forward to fulfill his promise before the Soul Gear could escape from the Forced Contract.