[@Dogematix] An Errant Knight is actually fine, they're young and foolish I.E. All the gear and no idea, but a squire or some such from a Templar order could be just as good. [@Andreyich] Then sounds good. [@Penny] If by low-level you mean 'pretty much just starting out/fresh out of magic college', then that's perfectly fine. They'll get more practise in as we go, possibly pick up a few tomes and the like as well. Religious followers are a little different, as they aren't 'magic' as such, but the same applies in keeping powers on the down low for the start. [@POOHEAD189] As long as he's not an actual Border 'Prince', then that's all gravy. As I said, I shall take a wee look in my books and get back to everyone, very probably tomorrow. I'll get the OOC up as well, so if anyone wishes to join between now and then...get on that. Looking good so far though, folks, I'm liking the ideas.