[b][i]Jackson Grey[/i][/b] Jackson was leaning against a building, drinking out of his flask. Crimson Rush wasn't as good as blood, but it definitely staved off his thirst. He should have left this area a while a go but his intuition told him to stay. Lo and behold another Darkling showed up. He paused in the act of taking another drink and then put the flask away. Darklings are not common creatures. Jackson knew of pretty much everyone in existence and he could count them on his fingers. Seemed that at least half of them were in this war in some way or another. He looked at Lilith, "She can't see you can she?" Lilith pursed her lips. She was standing not far from him, looking every bit the goddess instead of demon. Finally she shook her head, her gorgeous fiery hair flowing from side to side. "She cannot. Doesn't mean she doesn't know I'm here though, pet." Jackson sputtered at that, "Pet?" She bared her fangs at him in amusement, "It's a term of affection." Jackson groaned inwardly. "Why do I keep you around?" He asked her. She walked closer to him, tracing his jaw with her ruby tipped finger. Jackson felt shudders run through him, "Oh, lots of reasons," Lilith murmured. [i]Lots of good reasons[/i] Jackson thought. He shook his head and playfully nipped her finger, gesturing at the newcomer that had joined his massacred hangout spot. "I really should pay attention to her. If I'm right that is Sarafine. She's very dangerous." Lilith pouted adorably, "Let her watch." Jackson actually blushed and shook his head, "No Lilith." Finally he turned his attention to his fellow Darkling. "I hope you're not here to fight. It would be a pointless exercise for us both." Jackson said. He held out his hand all the same, the familiar red split in the air appeared and Jackson stuck his hand into the sudden hole, pulling out his silver katana. The blade thrummed with seemingly deadly desire. "I hear you're a psycho though, so I should be prepared."