[@DrunkasaurusRex][@Ezekiel][@Flagg][@POOHEAD189][@Penny][@Andreyich][@Eisenhorn][@Ollumhammersong] Just a quick addendum to my earlier point on characters, and I'll try not to make it too long... The characters - [b]to begin with[/b] - are about the basic, the low and the mundane. Think not in terms of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, for there is no such glory here, not yet; there'll be no repelling of Orc or Chaos invasions, no saving of worlds, this entire thing is going to be a much grimmer and much more gritty place, a place where the weak and the 'normal' can rise to better heights. To this end, please think accordingly when thinking of a character. You may think 'but Jb, how is being a charcoal burner or a travelling bard with no combat experience any fun to write as?' To which I would counter, 'how is writing from humble beginnings to much greater potential [b]not[/b] any fun? Surely it is more fun to feel some sense of achievement after slaying a small band of Beastmen over single-handidly murdering an entire Chaos cult by yourself? How is being human and developing as such a bad thing?' I'm actually pondering about whether to doll out professions by rolling for them [i]a la[/i] the TT game - would anyone be adverse to that? (Yes, I know people have their particular favourites, so that's why I'm saying maybe.)