Serena flicked her head up again once Boris assigned the positions over the radio. In response to Vadim, Serena turned on her own radio, speaking into it. “Affirmative. See you out there, Cossack.” She adjusted her position in the seat slightly, furrowing her brows as the jets flew across the sky. The roaring engines were as thunderous cracks throughout the ground beneath them, though it seemed none of the soldiers in the car flinched at all. A familiar sound to a lot of them. The cars continued to drive through the town, with many different sounds outside. By now, Serena’s eyes had gotten used to the darkness that surrounded the town. She began to see figures in the many streets. Some were scattering around for God knows what, whilst some kids were playing with a bashed-up football in a bomb crater. It was a bittersweet sight; at least they were still trying to play, in this torn up war zone that Bangkok had turned into the last couple of months. The area around the operatives had been somewhat silent so far, besides the occasional gunshot a few streets away. After a sharp right, Serena squinted her eyes at one of the rooftops. A small figure stood still, before he took off, sprinting across a couple of rooftops, before he disappeared back into the night. It stung in Serena’s stomach at the sight, and she quickly went to turn on her radio again. “Eyes open, everyone. Might just have been a scared mouse, but we’ve got a runner on a rooftop. Could be a lookout, might be more. Patch out.” She wrinkled her nose, pulling the rifle from between her legs, holding it tightly as she continued to scan the houses. Surely, it could have been nothing, but it might’ve not been.