[b]-Zeiss Calavan-[/b] Zeiss simply smiled, "The night air would feel really nice right about now. Being so flush in this place is making me a bit woozy." She put down some money for the extra drinks and nodded to the bartender, who just looked between her and the vampire before nodding. She looked to her companion; he was a man of stories, and has been exposed to so much that he lost touch with the world of matter, unfeeling to purpose. Nihilism is something that she had never felt before; she was always too invested in her work to care about the details of philosophical ideologies. She didn't mind the company of those who did have those feelings as long as she had something to gain from it, and from this man she gained the venting of some of her frustrations. She attempted to stand up, wobbling as she balanced herself. Her chest felt heavier than usual, and obviously her vision wasn't very steady; perhaps she really did over do herself on the tequila this time. Must've been the company that kept her doing. As she slowly walked toward the entrance, she noticed the pitter patter of light rain and looked to see that a faint shower was coming down; seems as though Freyr had blessed her with a cooling breeze after all. It was nothing to be annoyed by, but it made her second guess bringing her lovely silk jacket since it would be such a waste to have it get wet. She tucked it into her hand bag as a few more people came into the bar looking for a bit of shelter. She wiped off the sweat on her brow and realized her hair was curling even more from the humidity. She looked over her shoulder with a sideways glance (which probably could've been executed better if she were more sober) and said, "Come now, my dear chronicler; you must tell me of your stories. Having experienced so many vices and sins must make you quite the skald."