And here is your other teacher. [center][hider=Hildr Reinhardt][center] [img][/img] [b][color=gray]Name:[/color][/b] [color=orange] [i]Hildr Reinhardt.[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Age:[/color][/b] [color=orange][i]Don't Ask.[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Nationality:[/color][/b][color=orange] [i]Western Germanian.[/i] [/color] [b][color=gray]Theme:[/color][/b] [color=orange][i]A maternal figure among the Saint Hirst teaching staff, the Germanian woman is as approachable as she is fallible. She forgets the names of new students, rushes to get her mountains of tests graded, and suffers wardrobe malfunctions like any other student, perhaps more so. While the Boss favors her attire as a symbol of stark severity and power, Hildr comes across as a more typical worker who is somewhere between sloven and devout in their efforts. She's a mother of three and dearly devoted to her daughters, being something of an insufferable empty-nester in their absence, as any coworker could attest, and had left her past employment in favor of a position where she can mold the promising youth's of tomorrow with a gentle hand and probably a dirty joke or two. Prone to being overtly affectionate and has little regard for personal space when intoxicated or excited, though that is considered by many to be typical of Germanian's.[/i] [/color] [/center][/hider][/center] Caught between severe perfection and jovial maternity, I wonder which the students will favor~?