"No, I haven't heard anything ye-" Roger began to say to Krista in response to Krista when she inquired about the state of communications with the major. "Wait, I'm getting something." His face crinkled together as he strained to make out what was being said through all of the static. He unconsciously began to mouth the words being said as he was able to make them out. "Leave you behind? Don't be a dumbass, Elise. Yeah, I've gotten a spot on her now, Krista. Let's get Prometheus back to base." A blatant sign of disrespect and ignoring a direct command from a superior? Sure, but he wasn't going to let somebody die for a dumb reason like stubbornly focusing on the mission above all else after the combat was over. He'd had enough of squad leaders dying on their first field mission with Sigma with Harold on Troas. Back on the NOAH, Roger was assaulted with a complicated batch of feelings when he saw the state Elise was in. Part of him was simply astounded that she was even alive given her injuries. A larger, more significant part was a knot of anxiety that she would end up a cadaver. He didn't have a particularly friendly relationship with her or anything, but she'd be the first member of Squad Sigma to die slowly in view of everyone else. With Harold, everything happened so quickly that he didn't really have to come to terms with it until after all the fighting had resolved. Here, he would have to sit through and watch everything as it happened, and he wasn't sure how to handle that knowledge. But the most powerful emotion he felt was rage towards the Cruxi. He desperately wished for a physical manifestation of the entire race that he could just punch in the face right now. It gave him a raw energy that he tried to keep under wraps by pacing back and forth in the hangar. If he stood still for longer than a minute his entire body would start to tremble, and standing around being a shaky bastard did nobody any good.