[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170727/289a46920195e3ec34b8784bf3931046.png[/img][/center] When it was time to go, Lacey placed the bookmark on the page she'd left off before she tucked the book away in her bag. She headed towards the door, but stopped by Payton's desk first for a little chat. "Mr. Carlson, did you know that you inadvertently turned me into a teacher's pet?" She kept her voice low, not wanting to be overheard by the other students as they exited the room to head to their next class. Lacey leaned forward on the desk before she continued, "Judging by the group we've got this semester, they could easily get the wrong idea. Not that I'd mind per se were we not confined to this facility, but I'm trying to get out of here as fast I can, and I don't want to see you get in trouble either." She smiled, tapping her fingers on his desk. "By all means, call me out if you must," she continued with a shrug of her shoulder, "but maybe do so because I misbehaved? I'm only trying to fit in while simultaneously making every attempt possible to expedite my release. It's a tricky process..." [@Echoes]