[h3] Sarafine - Borders Edge [/h3] [@Override] [hr] Sarafine giggled, Asmodeus laughing fully beside her. [Color=pink]"There is always purpose within chaos. As there is destruction within order. The Balance is always there."[/color] Her hand slid down his cheek, light as a feather. [Color=pink]"Fret not, love, I'm not here for total anarchy. But things will change, even if I weren't here, and you need to learn to bend like a Willow when the situation calls for it. Remember that, will you?"[/color] With that Sarafine turned and walked away in a randomly decided direction. [Color=pink]"If you'll excuse the rude departure, I have a few, ah, friends who owe me their lives. Until next time, love, ta ta."[/color] [I][color=lightblue] So... We're really going to play both sides?[/color] [/I] [Color=pink]"Yes, dear Asmodeus. I have bigger plans than any of these younglings do."[/color]