Tharr continued onwards, noting how the stranger became increasingly more readied the more the beast drew closer. A completely understandable reaction, thought the hybrid. It was quite customary among those he encountered, though this individual seemed different; unafraid even. He watched as the swordsman stood his ground, only floating in place. Naturally, hovering idly would be taxing on his perpetually beating wings after some time. Besides, it seemed more civilized to speak at ground level, and the beast did enjoy acquaintance sometimes before bombarding them with animalistic ferocity. As such, the beast would begin descending still with the winged warrior in sight. His wings would beat in a flurry of flaps as he approached the ground to ease the landing. His talons would touch down first, where his flight bearing limbs would fold seamlessly along his frame. His laser focused eyes still locked on Raelis about 15 meters away at this point. Tharr would watch him momentarily, still determining if he was a threat. He deduced this individual was a warrior not unlike him and would really only attack if provoked. Communication needed to be established to really determine if this wielder of light needed to be put in the same condition as his ship. [@yoshua171]