[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/99/89/47/998947cb7da42d4da0a0f70629e7f7e4.jpg[/img] [/center] Personal Name: Isaac Nickname: None Age: 16 Gender: Male Powers/Skills: telekinesis Power limits/Weaknesses(at least one if not more): can only move small things with his mind. He hadn't even realized he did it at first. Usually the things that "glow" are easier for him to move. Species: Human Appearance: Brown hair and blue eyes (photo above) Crush: None yet (may be updated with more characters are up) Relationship: None Personality: Isaac can seem super sweet and innocent when first meeting him. He's learned it's the best way to get people to open up and let him in. No one suspects the guy who looks like he couldn't hurt a fly when something goes wrong. He can be a bit of a kleptomaniac and feels like things glow a certain way when he's supposed to take them. He's loyal to his friends, but before you make that mark he'll use you however he feels will get him what he wants/needs. History: Isaac grew up with human parents and no idea of the power he held. He was always attracted to the glow that some objects had. It wasn't until he was 12 that he started trying to steal these; almost like he blacked out, one moment he would be swinging his hand above the object and the next it would be in his palm. Other: Desired room: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/56/3a/7a/563a7a50423914aae3176de45fdceab9.jpg[/img] Personal Name: Jaxon Nickname: Jax Age: 16 Gender: Male Powers/Skills: Can transform to a tiger. Strength, agility, hearing. Has most tiger traits but at a greater volume. Power limits/Weaknesses: Can only transform to a tiger when truly scared for his life, otherwise he changes to kitten form (not very good for threatening people). He also tends to have little to no control when in his tiger form and may not remember it all. Species: were-tiger Appearance: Human: [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6449/89301b32963b07e05e6233fda35e7c17c91d2938_hq.jpg[/img] Kitten: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7f/b3/31/7fb331af0d73eb11d8dc6a17b1fca9bb--tiger-tattoo-anime-life.jpg[/img] Tiger: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/dc/8b/36/dc8b36bcee53ec8a3d97ec5642291214.jpg[/img] Crush: Jyden Relationship: None Personality: Jaxon is somewhat standoffish or skittish when first met, but warms up rather quickly to others. He likes to be around people, but tends to hide in his room to recharge. He protects his friends with all he has, tending to put their safety above his own. He's a great listener, but not the best at giving advice. He thinks he's being funny sometimes and people tend to just view what he's saying as stupid. He can be a leader or a follower, but definitely prefers the latter in groups of people he knows. History: Jax didn't know he was even transforming when it first happened. Animals kept going missing and he felt like he was being chased by something. It wasn't until his parents caught him coming back in one night that they realized his doesn't have much control in that state. Other: Desired room: [img]http://waveavenue.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ways-to-decorate-your-bedroom-with-fairy-lights-5.jpg[/img] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/17/25/9417254f0571ee0d8be6a975d46a0bba.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Fleur Nickname: None yet Age: Looks 19 (doesn't age the same as humans, much older) Gender: Female Powers/Skills: Ability to shrink, water manipulation, fairy dust manipulation, and pretty good with a bow. Power limits/Weaknesses: Easy to kill/harm in shrunken form if caught, needs to be around water to be at full power. Species: Water Fairy Crush: Arin Relationship: None (her crush is taken after all) Personality: Fleur is a bit manipulative. She likes to play pranks and be mischievous, as a fairy she tends to come up new pranks and convinces people to help her. If she can't convince you then she may just use you without your knowledge. History: Fleur's parents were both fairy's and she grew up living away from most human interaction. Other: Desired room: [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB14WDcRpXXXXaaXVXXq6xXFXXXh/Garden-Patio-Wedding-IP65-font-b-Vintage-b-font-Festoon-Ball-font-b-Fairy-b-font.jpg[/img] I'm so excited! Lets do this!