'Let us head onward, then, companions!' Sett proclaimed entirely more confidently than he felt, wondering what exactly would befall them within those caverns... probably Dark Elves. Just in case, he put his pendant on, allowing him some measure of sight within the darkness of the tunnel. Some means of seeing what would come after them... [hr] Two hours later, he was tossed on to his back for the second time that day. At least this time, he barely avoided cracking his head on the rock-hard ground, but it was still an inconvenience for him, given that it meant he had to stand up, brush himself off, continue walking with the others... well, he'd have to do that sooner or later anyway, but even so! How rude of the bear! But, at least he seemed unaffected by Settionne riding on his back. Strong beasts, bears. Unsurprisingly. Perhaps moreso when they had transformed into bears after initially being people. Shockingly old people, he suddenly remembered as the bear turned back into the hermit Ursaren, and did that therefore make Sett a bad person in the eyes of those others who he called allies for now? More importantly, did anybody actually care that much? Probably not. 'I believe you were with us this whole time, my good man,' Sett mentioned at Ursaren's initial question, half-wondering if he was in fact joking. Could it be that he was going senile? He was incredibly old, after all... or was this some facet of his werewolf- uh, "werebear" side making its way in? He'd never read anything much about werewolves, let alone werebears, so he only really had common sense to go by, and nothing suggested that he'd have lost part of his memory whilst transformed... odd, odd. At least he was still capable enough to generate some light for the party, anyway. Not that that soothed his fears about the immense cavern lying before them. 'I don't suppose anybody has a way to catch us if we fall?' he asked with a nervous giggle afterwards. This time, he was trying to kid himself, showing his emotions quite a bit more legitimately than he was used to. He'd never had to deal with seemingly-endless pits like this, not in Vrettonia, and certainly not in his home town. And it'd make hiding from any sort of Dark Elven assault all but impossible, to boot! And how did everybody expect to find their way out of here, anyhow? It was like the world's most dangerous maze in the cave! [@POOHEAD189][@Banana][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen]