[@Rin] Yes. Yes he is. I was glad when i got to finally kill him for good. :D And Marie needs a hug right now. Or maybe it's just me who needs the hug? [@Raineh Daze] I know, i know. Will be getting that up either today or tomorrow. ;) But i like your team! Since at least i myself can't afford to buy quartz, though, i instead got stupid lucky with my rolls. Except for Nero. I never got the emperah no matter what i tried! T__T Sad UmU... [@VitaVitaAR] Arturia?! Curse you, my terrible summoning rolls! XD [hr] Really, though, my current team is this after a few lucky rolls managed to help things along: Mashu, Gilgamesh, Lancelot, Saber Lily, Jeanne, and whatever support i can whip up. I also got Rider!Martha in my initial roll after getting onto the game, as well as Siegfried. I also managed to get an Atalante as well at the same time as Lancelot. The funny part? My Jeanne and a 5 star craft essence came from the roll i made to try to get Nero-sama. And Gil was a 3-Saint Quartz roll when i was just doing it for the laughs at my formerly bad rolls before that time. Gotta love Fate/GO. Anyone want to be in-game friends, though? :)