[h3] Sarafine - Rebel Side of the Border [/h3] [@Ever] [hr] Sarafine looked up at the sound of talking. A feline smile lit up her face, and she redirected her steps to take her to the be arrival. [I][color=lightblue] This must be our lucky day. Two of our kind mere minutes apart.[/color] [/I] Asmodeus chuckled lightly as they came closer. [Color=pink]"Ah... Nora and... Mhmm. Asa, I do believe it was,"[/color] Safarine practically purred as she stopped mere feet away. [Color=pink]"So, youngling, I'm going to interrupt your travels. Given your direction you're off to check in on some warlocks..."[/color] Sarafine laughed for a moment. [Color=pink]"Well, they're dead. Council work. Anyways, I'm in a pleasant mood at the moment, and you're going to follow me. There's a group of Vampires who owe me their lives, and I want to chat with you. So, walk and talk, kill and talk, then chill and talk. Sounds good, yes? Of course it does."[/color] [I][color=lightblue] Damn, Safarine, I haven't heard you talk that much in one go for a while now.[/color] [/I] Asmodeus chimed in while running a hand through along her spine. Safarine shuddered slightly at the touch. With a twitch of her fingers to signal Nora to follow, heading further along the Border. [Color=pink]"Tell me, Nora, what would you do if this stalemate suddenly shifted? If the Council fell? What if the Rebels would obliterated? What would you do if chaos erupted all around you, child?"[/color] Sarafine Alex the same general questions she'd asked Jackson. [I][color=lightblue] You're really stuck on those questions, aren't you my luv? [/Color] [/I] Asmodeus asked with a smirk. [Color=pink]"I have my reasons for asking both of them, Asmodeus. You know this."[/color] Sarafine tsked. [I][color=lightblue] Of course, but I'm bored. No destruction, no deaths, not even good healthy sex. [/Color] [/I]