[h1][color=0072bc]Mika Fuyu[/color][/h1] [color=6ecff6]"My mother went here."[/color] [color=0072bc]"I see"[/color] I tell to her, her folder did also say that her mother use to be here and she also Recording Secretary but she got that title in her second year. [color=0072bc]"Miss Mehoeshi, i know that you know what this academy represents but tell me, why was this academy made?" [/color] [@The1Rolling1Boy] [hr] [h1][color=89599C]Nozomi Mizuki[/color][/h1] "I am pleased to me you.... we are freinds" say the lady with heavy accent[color=89599C] "Um ok sure"[/color] i say to her, she sound happy in her first time here."[color=ed1c24]So what all is there to do around here?[/color]" say the redhead [color=89599C]"Oh well you know, you get grades, you are in a club and you sword battle with someone"[/color] i say to her [color=89599C]"...or did you guys didn't know about the sword battles here?"[/color] i ask them [@Blueflame][@manapool1]