[center] [img]https://www.kupivip.ru/fashionblog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/kelly_large.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Mildred Portia Caustik [/color][/h1] [/center] [center][hr]Showin' up like, yo bish, what's up? [hr] Late per the usual. Driving in her beat up and [url=https://cars.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/ec42315/2147483647/resize/640x420%3E/format/jpeg/quality/85/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcars.usnews.com%2Fstatic%2Fimages%2Farticle%2F201608%2F125848%2Fslide_2_640x420.jpg]worn out car, it's paint faded to a ghostly blue[/url], she had her window down and was letting the wind push through her hair. Sky like satin and grass so green, summer was thick in the veins and heady in the air. With a slight smile, the sharp eyed girl pulled past the entryway and up the drive. What a place. Like seriously! It was like a resort or something! Way too cool. Parking her beat-up faded car, she turned off the radio, turned off the lights and unbuckled her seat belt. Turning the key, she opened the door and stepped out. Locking up her baby (hey robbers were [i]everywhere[/i] these days), she dropped her keys in her bag and strutted up to the door in excited pace. Dark jeans, a black and white stripped shirt, hair loose and a bit windblown, she took out her compact. A sharp featured girl of eighteen glared at her from the circular reflection. It wasn't intentional. It was just how her face was shaped. High cheekbones, full lips, round nose, a smatter of freckles from the sun, and two ice blue daggers of eyes. Her eyebrows were blonde, so she looked almost like an alien compared to the advertisements on the tv of round baby-doe eyed models with thick, dark and perfectly shaped brows. Rubbing her light colored lipstick on just to refresh, she gave a glaring grin to her reflection. With a wink she closed the compact and dropped it back in her purse. Knocking once, she opened the door. [color=D4F0FF]"Hell~~~O!"[/color] she sang out in her clear and robust voice. No answer. Whelp, better go on in and see if the Three Bears were home. Mildred sauntered right in like she owned the place and heard all the ruckus coming from outside. Ooo, and splashing! Now she had totally skipped to all the good stuff, huh? Going to the backdoor, she threw it open with dramatic flair, keeping her hand on it so it didn't break or something. Leaning on the threshold a bit, Mildred struck a playfully sultry pose, like she was some sort of sensual diva on a silver screen. [color=D4F0FF]"Party is here, kiddies!"[/color] she batted her glaring eyes, looking more like an alien ready for a midnight snack than a femme fatale. Closing the door behind her, she waltzed right out and put her hands on her hips. [color=D4F0FF]"Y'all got started without me, I see,"[/color] she grinned like a tiger, her freckles dark on her makeup-less face. Well, you know, beside the pale pink lipstick. Several people in the pool, fabuloszo Damar practically sitting pretty right on top of Lance. She giggled at the sight. Get it, Damar, get it! Mouse Boi was over there all awkward like, Anna in her- OMGoodness her [i]bra[/i] like a boss, and Joli aka Jocelyn all laid out like a beauty queen. There were a few people she didn't know all that well, but that didn't matter much. After all, they'd all get to know one another before the summer was over anyway. [/center]