[center][h2]The Giant[/h2]Location: Harpy Nest interacting with: Spectrum [@Regitnui], Devilstrider [@Override], Behir [/center] [hr][hr] It was meant as a nice gesture but now Steve felt stupid. Ofcourse she didn't need his hand to stand on. He guessed he was still very out of tune with how the heroes interacted with each other. They were all cool with smooth oneliners, and he was still figuring out how to use his hands. Though he had always distanced himself from the heroes, now he was acting with them as one of them and he felt the need to fit in somehow. Also it was hard to not be self-counscious when you're 20 meters tall and in your underwear. Either way, action was required and he wanted to do this right. The fairy girl who claimed to not be thinkerbell went inside the building and he tried to peek inside. It was not that he was much slower in giant form, but he felt sluggish and a bit surreal in this body. The muscled worked on his intention, but physics was different on these big masses of limbs. From inside, one could see a huge eye appearing at the side of the building that was looking in, and trying to follow the movements there. Steve saw Fairy and a sort of devil-man being attacked by a .. ..[i]what is that?[/i] And it shot lightning. Steve sighed. [i]How did I get myself into this?[/i] The gust of wind that his breath created, blew away a nearby harpy. So he was supposed to wait for some signal, but it was hard to understand everything what they were saying in the commotion. [center][b]"...get rid of it!"[/b][/center] [i]Was that the sign?[/i] He didn't know and was about to go into a long inner dialogue about it, when there was a sudden rare moment of silence inside him. Then just one thought: [center][i]Fuck it.[/i][/center] His arm shot inside, hand open and fingers stretched. In this position he couldn't look inside very well, so it was all on the estimate of where he had seen the monster before. If he had done this correctly he would miss the devilman and end up precisely at the big eel, as Fairy had called it. There was a swoosh sound as his arm moved through the building. Then he hit something and immediately closed his hand to a fist. He just prayed he had caught the eel and not Fairy or the devilman in his hand.