[@Lyla][@Tominas] [color=crimson][h1][b][u][i]EMERGENCY NOTICE[/i][/u][/b][/h1][/color] My computer has been having some trouble, but not enough to really say anything much here or in the Discord about it. Until now. My hard drive is literally about to die any minute now, according to the skilled IT guy i just had look at it a few minutes ago. And they won't be able to come fix things and transfer my data safely to keep it...until Sunday. So while this is sudden, the computer is going wonky even right now, and with Windows deciding to crash every other time i log on or click on something today this may be my only chance to say anything about this. At all. So either Sunday or Monday i will be coming back...hopefully. If the repair goes right, and if the new hard drive goes right, and if the data transfer goes right. Which i hope is not asking too much of things. If not, i will try to get in communication with everyone i am involved with on here to see what will happen. Wish me luck... -Crusader Lord