There are always going to be errors in reporting, but egregious and intentional ones that are sensationalist and drive a divide between the people of the country are harmful. If anything there should be some measure of accountability here, [@Andreyich]. I never participated much in the mainstream media and I am certainly glad I did not. The whole notion seemed absurd from the get, that the Russians somehow hacked the election sufficiently to merit such massive wins for the Trump administration or somehow hurt the Hillary campaign. It might just be [i]too[/i] incredible that people would rather vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton; if you had asked me years ago I would not have believed such an outcome, but from what I see, the pieces do fit and there's no need for the Russian hysteria. More is coming forward with time and I truly do hope we see all the pieces put together then, other than on various wings of the internet and news pushing their conspiracies or agendas. That is a far fetched dream, but it would do wonders to put a fair amount of the constant battling to rest.