[hider=August Fletcher] [color=limegreen]Name:[/color] [color=deepskyblue]August Fletcher[/color] [color=limegreen]Gender:[/color][color=deepskyblue] Male[/color] [color=limegreen]Age:[/color] [color=deepskyblue]20[/color] [color=limegreen]Species:[/color] [color=deepskyblue]Human[/color] [color=limegreen]Height: [/color][color=deepskyblue]5'7[/color] [color=limegreen]Weight:[/color] [color=deepskyblue]175lbs[/color] [hider=Looks Can Kill]Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/98FHpUh.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=limegreen]Devil Fruit: [/color] [b][color=deepskyblue]Rego Rego Fruit[/color][/b]: This particular fruit is similar to August's personality. The man is a kid at heart and it is almost a miracle he received a fruit to match. The Rego Rego Fruit gifts the user control of a toy. To be more specific, an infant's building block unit. The brand is called [i]Builders, Go![/i] It is a franchise recognized for colorful blocks in which kids ages 5 and up frequently play. August was not an individual who particularly had a liking to the construction blocks. Though after some time passed, he began to appreciate his power. August keeps a jacket full of the colorful pieces. He is considering to carry a backpack soon because of pocket limit on his light jacket. At most, his duster could carry about 300 pieces. It took some getting used to because he is not really a creative person. This ability can only be considered powerful if the user was imaginative. New abilities are difficult to come by because of August's lack of creativity. [color=limegreen]Skills: [/color] [b] [color=deepskyblue]Building Block Sword[/color] [/b]: August utilizes about 50 pieces to create a sword constructed from [i]Builders, Go![/i]. The sword does have similar length to an actual sword and is gifted with a handle. [b][color=deepskyblue]Blocks of Fury[/color][/b]: This ability is August's favorite. About 100 pieces envelop his fists to give him extra damage in combat. His block fists grant him an advantage during a fight and have the capability of knocking opponents around. [b][color=deepskyblue]Construction Blast[/color][/b]: August acknowledge he had to have some kind of ranged attack. His other attacks were mostly for close combat. Luckily, Construction Blast comes right in handy. August hurls a sphere of 30 pieces at his enemies. Some may explode on impact while others may be more of a blunt attack. [b] [color=deepskyblue]Brick Shot[/color][/b]: Although August did resolve his ranged issue, he noticed Construction Blast was too destructive and not much of a stealth option. It was not meant for a surprise attack. August developed another cliche of a weapon: a gun. A simple pistol would need 75 pieces to be created. A sniper rifle takes a little bit more with the asking price of 150 units. Fortunately, each shot spares only one [i]Builders'[/i] block. [color=limegreen]Background:[/color] [color=deepskyblue]August is a rebellious individual; he lives for adventure and is a thrill-chaser. There’s nothing that he enjoys more than taking on challenges and cracking one-liners. He’s rarely a serious person because he’s not fond of taking things in that brings him down. This adventurer just loves to be the life of the party. His mindset is there is always time to joke and make fun of any situation. He does have an easy going attitude. Some people would say he is too relaxed. This might be solely on his ego and overconfidence. As he would say, he is a gift to the present. Any challenge he accepts will be completed or so he thinks. After gaining the power, he expected it would be wise to use his ability to his full potential. August figured he couldn't get any excitement from becoming part of the navy. The block man expected it would be rules, guidelines, and no play. There was only one other thing that could bring entertainment to his life. To become a [s]toy collector[/s] pirate.[/color][/hider]