Name: Tristan S. Jasper Height: 5'4" Weight: 180lbs Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance:He's usually seen wearing a tan cloak with the hood down and a pair of red goggles usually just under his hair line. His hair is medium length and curls at the ends however there's usually a few stray strands of hair that stick out and curl over in the front partially covering his goggles. He wears light brown light weight work boots. Under his cloak is a thin silk black long sleeve shirt and thin black leather gloves as well as thick black pants with turquoise padding over the pockets. Personality: He's quiet, kind, and gentle. He always has a smile on his face no matter what the situation is. When it comes to fight his calm and collected, his attacks are all precise to make up for his lack of strength. He also likes to collect all of the things he learns along his travels in journals and is quite skilled at assessing situations and making plans as well as changing plans quickly whenever something goes wrong. Home Island/Sea: Due to so much traveling in his life his home island is unknown but his home sea is East Blue History: Tristan S. Jasper lived his life for the most parts on the streets moving from town to town, island to island (whenever a nice captain would come along and allow him to hitch a ride). His chest and face had some scars on them. Since he never really had any money and wasn't very popular with..well people in general because of his beggar appearance people assumed he was some kind of beggar or thug. People often tossed him around, picked fights with him, and kicked him around, but he never fought back or did harsh things to anyone. Anytime he saw an opportunity to help someone he'd take it, never wanting only giving. Even though his life was harsh he always had a smile on his face. One day he noticed an old man on a road being jumped by a group of thugs so he jumped in used his body to shield the old man. The old man seeing his kindness offered to let him stay with him. A few years later Tristan was out with the old man on a food run when those thugs showed up again this time in a larger group. In the fight he had decided to target one of the thugs who was bigger than the rest and was going on about how he was the strongest person. Once the boy saw an opening in the man's attack and reacted within almost the blink of an eye. He'd won the fight shortly after and the old man explained that this was the potential he had seen in him when they first met. Approximately two years later the old man died and Tristan resumed his life of travel. Fruit: No fruit Fighting style: His fighting style is one he developed over time. It relies mainly on dodging and countering. Assessing the enemies strengths and using them against him. It's completely hand to hand he never uses weapons, his impressive reaction time also helps him in his fighting. As for techniques he currently has two. Keen Eye in which he heightens his focus relying on all senses rather than just sight and sound to judge the enemies movements letting him react to their attacks with more accuracy. Pinpoint which where in he puts more focus on sight to spot an enemies weak spot and deal more damage. Ship Position: Musician