[center][h1][color=008B8B]Riley Rodgers[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Riley was engrossed in a mechanical textbook, she didn't have many friends at school and so had spent the whole train ride reading. She was so engrossed in her book she didn't realize they had arrived until someone told her. She mumbled her thanks as she got off the train. She waded through the troves of students chattering about their holidays, she didn't expect anyone to ask her about her holiday. She'd spent it as she always had, watching her sisters and helping her mother and grandparents around the house. She had made a few automatons but nothing too impressive, mostly stuff to entertain her siblings. Riley smoothed her skirt uncomfortably, she hated the thing but it was the required uniform at Saint Hirst's. It was also unseemly for a woman to wear anything else so she settled for it instead of the pair of her grandfather's trousers she wore in the privacy of her home. She headed to the dining hall, hoping there would be something to eat or drink before the ceremony. She would just read until the ceremony.