[color=#BC6101]“Yeah,”[/color] Stride admitted, [color=#BC6101]“but money sure as hell can help ya get things that make you happy.”[/color] Not everything, of course. Money didn’t buy you true friends, after all. Money didn’t get you a good and loving family without any work. But, as Cal had pointed out, “Have you ever seen someone cry on a jetski?” She followed Cienna into the restaurant, glancing around at all the fancy looking folk gathered around. While Stride wanted to point out to the fairy that she really, really didn’t need to pay her back for something so small, Cienna looked like she was squirming out of her skin at the fact that she had to take help from anybody. Like she hated owing anyone anything. It wasn’t unreasonable. Plunking down in her seat, Stride grabbed the menu handed to her and began to flip through, eyeing the prices uncomfortably. After a minute or two of scanning, Stride tossed the menu upon the table, and waited until the server had returned to the table some time later. [color=#BC6101]“I’ll have the cheesesteak and a glass of Coke, if ya don’t mind.”[/color] She handed the menu back to the server and leaned back, drumming her fingers upon the table. [color=#BC6101]“So,”[/color] she drawled, not wanting to wait in complete silence, [color=#BC6101]“what are ya gettin’, anyway?”[/color] There had been many, many things on the menu, and ‘the usual’ hadn’t pinned anything down in particular. [@Daemanis]