[img] http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] Cienna would smile as she heard what Stride had ordered, she would admit the idea of trying the Cheesesteak had once crossed her mind however she knew what would happened so she always restrained from it. When stride started up conversation again she noted the slight edge on it, implying that she seemed to be feeling somewhat awkward. [color=darkorchid]“I get a Ceaser Salad, with no meats in it.”[/color] She would answer truthfully as she listened to the goings on around her as well as facing stride directly to appear as if she were paying full attention to her. [color=darkorchid]“I love the way they make them here”[/color] she would add as if to clarify why she would order something as mundane as a Caeser salad enough to make it a ‘usual.’ Her normal drink was a variant tea that she hadn’t managed to find anywhere else, a salted caramel chai tea, it was quite by chance that she had discovered this delicious blend as it normally was not listed on the menu. The first time she came into the Restaurant another customer, whom happened to be a table near to hers had it and the smell drifting over towards her had piqued her interest. The Waiter was quick to explain that it was one of the items that they had on their ‘hidden’ menu and that they were happy to get it for her. Cienna would make small talk with Stride to stop her from feeling awkward, even enquiring as to her species. She normally would have a strong sense about species thanks to her fey blood, however when it came to the woman who had been so helpful to her she had no idea what she was and that had piqued her interest. She was about to ask further when she heard the kitchen door open again and the ever so small gust of wind that wafted over to her from the kitchen door, that very few would even realize was there, informed her that their meals were on their way. [color=darkorchid]“Breakfast is served.”[/color] She would say for the first time since the prior night a slight sense of what would appear to be a sense of humour appearing in her tone. [@EchoicChamber]