Gonna throw my hat into the ring. [hider=Takahashi Kato] [b]Name:[/b] Takahashi Kato [b]Nickname:[/b] He goes by his last name, Kato. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] Superspeed (fastest that Kato has ever gone is 359 MPH, though he can definitely go faster if he pushes himself). Also makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich, though that's not exactly useful. [b]Power limits/Weaknesses:[/b] If Kato runs at a speed of over 650 MPH for more than a minute, he'll die of exhaustion. He also has crippling arachnophobia, so it'd be best to keep any spiders [i]far[/i] away from him. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Shoutarou.Kaneda.full.1260651.jpg]Click.[/url] Usually wears the outfit seen in the photo (without the gloves and goggles), though sometimes he switches it up. The jacket has [url=http://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mJOvga3844x0WQPodutQFmg.jpg]this[/url] design on the back, and is a memento of his former life as a gang member. [b]Crush:[/b] None, yet. [b]Relationship:[/b] Single (straight) [b]Personality:[/b] Kato is a fun-loving, energetic and often annoying guy. He likes to crack jokes and talk with everyone, no matter how much they tell him to shut up. Always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone, no matter how much spite they've showed him in the past. Most would think that he doesn't have a single bad bone in his body due to his cheerful personality, but of course most don't know about his past as a street punk; in fact, most of his personality is from his attempt to turn over a new leaf. [b]History:[/b] "So you wanna know about little old me, eh? Well, I'll give you the rundown... Heh, run. Get it, 'cause I run a lot? Uhhh... Let's get on with the story." "So I was born in the rough part of a city. What city? None-Of-Your-Businesstropolis, that's what city. Anyway, growing up I never knew about my powers, and when I found about them when I was 11 or so I never used them because I was afraid I'd hurt people or that they'd all think I was a freak. When I was 14 or so, I joined this biker gang, the Caps. Looking at it now, they were a bunch of a-holes, but back then I worshiped the ground they walked on." "Simply put, I was a jerk back then. Always picking fights, banging girls, and popping pills. I got a girl pregnant once, y'know. When she told me and asked me to quit the gang and help her raise the kid, you know what I did? I laughed and told her to go screw herself. That's how much of an unrepentant d-bag I was. Tried to find her recently to help raise the kid, but it turns out she had an abortion... Not sure how I feel about that." "Well when I was 17, a friend of mine, Shin, finds out he has these powers, telekinesis and pyrokinesis and all this other kinesis stuff. He gets a God complex and wrecks half the city before I stop him using my own power. I expected people to shun me after that, but it turned out they're all proud I did it. Thought I was a hero and stuff. Heh. Kato and hero shouldn't go in the same sentence together." "That experience made me realize how much of a punk I was. But it also made me realize that I could've been [i]a lot[/i] worse. Shin found out about his powers and tried to kill everyone, but when I found out about my powers I hid them from people out of fear that I [i]would[/i] kill them. I realized that there was at least [i]some[/i] good in me and chose to turn over a new leaf. Part of that was coming to this mansion, so I can be around other people like me and learn to control my powers. So, uh, yeah... I guess I'll end with the good old Cap motto: 'good for health, bad for education'..." "Man I love saying that." [b]Other:[/b] Let's do this. Also, [url=http://media3.s-nbcnews.com/i/newscms/2015_24/627596/messy-bed-room-stock-today-150612-tease_9cddc8f0c25fb59e827ab1f22adf0ddb.jpg]desired room[/url]. [/hider]