[hider=Leopold Von Orndorff] [center] [h3][color=003471]"I find, sir, that a little bit of gin is very calming on the nerves and steadies a man's hand."[/color][/h3] [color=003471][b]Name:[/b][/color] Leopold Von Orndorff [color=003471][b]Appearance:[/b] [/color] [hider=Leopold Von Orndorff] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/55/45/72/554572e62bfde09f2d0ee6eb7c0534a6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=003471][b]Family:[/b][/color] Vampire - Head of Von Orndorff family. [color=003471][b]Age:[/b][/color] 292 [color=003471][b]Gender:[/b] [/color] Male [color=003471][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Leopold could be described as a gentleman. He is always polite and rarely loses his temper. He is very diplomatic preferring to avoid violence whenever possible. [color=003471][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Leopold was born to a noble family in Prussia during the 18th century. He had an older brother which meant that he wouldn’t inherit the family fortune so he was packed of to the military academy at the age of 10. Here he learnt every skill a military man might need. How to fight with swords and pistol, military strategy and most importantly: How to act like a proper gentleman. When his education was done, just in time for the seven years war, he was sent to fight the austrians as an officer. Things went well at first but after a few victories he was captured and sent to prison in Austria. He shared cell with another prussian officer named Henrich. His behavior was... eccentric, to say the least. Leopold often found him sucking on the rats that were in the cell and when he asked why Henrich refused to answer. After a few months of imprisonment Henrich finally told him the truth. He was a vampire. Most people would’ve been scared, disgusted or just have laughed him in his face but Leopold did none of these things. Instead he pleaded for Henrich to turn him. He wanted the immense powers that come with vampirism. Drawbacks be damned. After some pleading, persuasion and even some threats Henrich agreed to turn him. They escaped using their vampiric powers and fled out of austria. Henrich was killed by vampire hunters in france. Leopold was now alone. Eventually he made his way to England where he hopped on a boat to America. The new world filled with opportunities. Soon he ended up in San Francisco where he used threats, blackmail and other unscrupulous methods to gain control of the eastern side of the city where he owns most banks, clubs, bars and the police department. [color=003471][b]Special Power:[/b][/color] Cryomancy. Leopold can control ice and snow with his mind and use it as a weapon. He can freeze water with just a glance and if he manages to touch someone where the skin is particularly thin (e.g. face, back of hands) he might even freeze the blood. [/center] [/hider]