Aria listened carefully to the points Yerbol brought up about their morality, and was comforted by coming to the realisation that he was right. They may have had to sink that far, but the guilt was still they were still good people, no matter what they had had to do up to this point. A slight chuckle (though only half-hearted) was shared at her partner’s almost on point impression of Renso, the shorter Champion leaning back in her seat somewhat as she frowned in thought. “It did seem rather odd, didn’t it...but I guess we’ll never know what he was up to now.” while she was glad Renso had found peace, there were occasions such as this where Aria still wished she could have asked the old Pureblood for advice...of course they had teachings to fall back on, the same for her father’s research and other holodisks in the library on Quensu, but it wasn’t the same as hearing the person’s voice. Both Champions fell silent, mulling the thoughts over while Chwuq situated herself on top of Aria’s feet, the Tuk’ata perching her head in the Qyaari’s lap. “I don’t know...he’s definitely hiding something.” Aria agreed with a nod of her head, patting the Sith hound’s nose absently. “But who knows what it could be…he said he and Manus worked together a lot before everything went bad, maybe they were like brothers?” of course, Aria was only theorising, and after all the Jedi had forbade emotional attachment of any sort...but Voldon didn’t seem like the type to be a typical Jedi even before Tython had fallen. “As for Manus’ motives...who knows. If you ask me, I think the guy has a few screws loose.” the grin that painted her features didn’t reach her eyes, despite her attempt at a jest. “But, he's far more organised than Illesia, and I think that's what makes him even more terrifying. We have NO idea what this guy wants….only that he hates the Qyaari as much as the old Orders, he seems to enjoy his little power trip A LOT so who knows, he's persuasive enough to convince people to blindly follow him into situations that could mean certain death, and convince them WE won't help them, and lastly he isn't below using children as cannon fodder.” Aria listed the points they were currently aware of regarding their latest adversary, counting them off on her fingers as she did so. A thin eyebrow arched upwards in a sceptical manner, her tone once again sombre as she followed up with: “I don't know about you, but that sounds like a tyrant in the making to me….we have to squash this whole movement he has going, and quickly too, before we end up with another Bracknell problem, only MUCH worse. You can bet your britches Manus is going to do everything he can to make sure the entire galaxy thinks of us the same way Vaerth and Kartan are right now.” Aria leaned forward slightly in her seat, prompting a grumble of protest from the hound whose head still laid there. “I say the next chance we get, we need to corner Voldon and get the truth out of him...we need to know what he's hiding and whether it can help us take him down.” The navcomputer blipped obnoxiously again to announce their imminent arrival on Tattooine. “But I suppose for now we should be focusing on winning favour with Kartan and his friends….then perhaps they can help us to convince others to break away from Manus’ madman movement. There's GOT to be a way to make people see how dangerous he and Soto are...." a flicker of hopeful light appeared in Aria's dark eyes. "Wait a second....what ABOUT Soto?" Her partner flashed her a bemused glance, and even Chwuq glanced up with a confused "hrrmmm?". “What I mean is: firstly, did her escape ever air on the HoloNet news; and if it did...nobody would have made mention of Manus yet by that point would they? Even we didn't know he was what if we could PROVE Manus was the one who freed Jean, a KNOWN criminal, to work alongside her, and get that all over the Holos? Pretty sure most people in the galaxy know Soto’s face when they see it, and it might go a long way to convincing people he's a raving lunatic.” it was a long shot, perhaps, but they had worked with far less before. “Fight back with a taste of their own medicine, and all that.” silence once more fell as they mulled over the thought, while the shuttle loudly announced that a pilot was required to bring them in to land. Aria pushed Chwuq off her lap to stand and attend to the controls. “I just think trying anything to expose Manus, as long as we're properly prepared before we broadcast it for everyone to see, is better than lying down and letting him destroy everything we worked so hard to build, don't you? People died so that we could set up the Qyaari, GOOD people, we should be doing everything we can to make sure it wasn't for nothing.” another sad smile in remembrance of not only Roan, but the countless other soldiers, Padawans and Acolytes who had also fallen under Bracknell’s heel. “And if we DO end up being taken down no matter what we do, you can [i]karkin'[/i] bet yourself I'm going to make sure it's kicking and screaming, and that I take as many of them with me as I can.”