[quote=@Conscripts] Character Sheet (USER): Anime appearance [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/106231921922359602/4533228EDD28C087F3C5856A0308D483DE6934D1/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|268:268&composite-to%3D%2A%2C%2A%7C268%3A268&background-color=black[/img] Name: Selwyn Amirada Age: 18 Biography The only legitimate heir to the two sisters, Anna and Greia. Technically, he is the direct descendant of Greia, the older sister, who got married before she took part in the rebellion. After her death, her family went into exile and lived their lives in another countries for centuries to come. One day, the boy travelled back to his country of origin, carrying the knowledge that he obtained after reading and listening to his grandfather about the two sisters, his ancestors. He was tasked to represent his family line to pay tributes to the two heroines, as they were only recently pardoned by the new government after the empire that Anna and Greia worked so hard to bring down were crippled and demolished by yet another rebellion. He eventually found the two swords being placed next to two tombstones, all carefully constructed by the locals. He touched the hilt of each swords as a part of the tribute. But as soon as he finished, two voices suddenly echoed deeply inside his mind, telling him about him being heirs and their wishes to serve him. Still onfused and frightened over such a strange phenomenon, the boy suddenly noticed the two swords started moving on its own, the tip of each blades emerged from the ground, and attached himself into his palms, refusing to let go until he forms the contract. After talking with his family about it, they decided to get him to Custine and enroll in the academy so that he can handle not one but two soul gears at the time, one on each hand Magic Circle, picture and location: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a6/7d/e8/a67de8120ee1f8701f2c6df8e4f8a591.jpg[/img][hr] Character Sheet (SOOUL GEAR): Elise and Eliane Human appearance Elise (Black one) [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/03df90de-dabc-4a90-8bb7-6de1114f1e80.jpg[/img] Eliane (White one) [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/da85ba03-3d10-446c-a6e4-53656f4a2037.jpg[/img] Real form appearance Elise (Black sword) [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31N6Q6fLggL.jpg[/img] Eliane (White sword) [img]http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/b-40-inch-ninja-sword-with-white-scabbard-a46-tq1739.jpg[/img] Human Name: Elise and Eliane Real Name: Elise - Dark's blade Eliane - Light's blade Power: -Elise: The sword can fire a hailstorm of black-colored energies into the sky and raining it down to where the user wanted. The energy bullets aren't powerful, only suitable for wearing down enemy's strength while strong armor and structure can completely negate its effects, but its numerity will be a problem if the enemy isn't well-protected. -Eliane: Similar to Elise, but the energy bullets are white-colored, and instead of dealing damage, it heals other's wounds. But it only works against normal to light injuries. Its effectiveness reduces as the wounds get more and more severe One weakness to the use of this two swords are its reliance on the user's energy. Basically, the usr will have to balance out his or her energy output to each swords for best efficiency. And the bullets have no friendly fire toggle. White bullets can heal the user and others that they hit, including the enemies. Black bullets can injure enemies, allies and even the user itself. Biography (how they made the contract, did it have other users before? Centuries ago, the two blades belonged to two different users, two close sisters, Greia and Anna, who were leaders of a rebellion against their kingdom and their puerile king. Greia, the dark's blade user, was a fierce and strong woman, experting in many different fields of martial arts and dark magic. She specializes in directing her forces and cutting down her enemies at the frontline. Anna, the light's blade user, was unlike her aggressive sister, calm and peaceful, who specializes in handling logistical and second line support, such as healing the wounded, taking care of food and supplies, but can get fierce if the situation calls for. The two sisters usually argue with each other, sometimes resulting in huge conflicts, but in the end, all turns out well for the two of them. They loved each other and cared for the others until the end of their days. This, combining with their close connection to their swords, helped form two souls in them, both have similar personality to their users The rebellion went well initially, to the point that the two sisters even managed to seize the capital of the kingdom for a short period of time. But after the betrayal of a corrupted general, the two sisters' rebel forces were soon decimated, crushed, and its territory was reduced to only a small village, the two sisters' homeland. Upon realizing their impending doom, Anna and Greia, not wanting to be tortured, disgraced and executed by the enemy, decided to end their lives with their own blades. The villagers then decided to bury the two sisters in a secret forest to avoid letting their bodies fall into enemy's hand, their swords placed on top of their respective tombs. Time passed, the two swords had adopted a human form to themselves, but refused to abandon their former masters' side until they found a legitimate heir to serve. And they mean real heir, one related to the two sisters completely by blood. They had to wait for over three hundred years, until a young man arrived. [/quote] Awesome, I guess we will her them arguing with each other often xD