Dawn’s light shines through the windows and open door down onto the shop floor. Bottles and glass jars shimmer as the light passes them where they stand stacked upon their shelves. The shelves are packed with artefacts, ordered in such an unlikely fashion that unless one had ordered them, it would be impossible to find what one was looking for in time. Thankfully, the two owners of the shop are more than used to finding what they need from the jumble. By the door stands one long desk sporting a single abacus and a safe. Beneath it sits a variety of intricately beautiful weapons behind a glass screen, made more attractive with an array of jewels and silver chains. Upon the desk sits a perch made from a twisted oak branch, where a creature no larger than a bald eagle snaps up breakfast from a plate of fresh meat. The creature is slate blue in colour, with wings tucked close to its body as it enjoyed its meal. The joints of its wings hold two talon-like fingers, each with a sharp claw which are hooked onto the branch to keep it steady. Its tail curls around behind it, covered in spines that run up its back and end in a flurry of feathers that the creature wears as decoration. Its mouth is similar to that of a dragon, teeth sharp within and scaled lips smacking at the meat juices running over them. Its eyes, black as obsidian and large in its head flick across to another desk sitting at the back of the room where the shop owner lounges, toying with a set of balms. The shop owner is a tall man. His skin is dark and the colour of chestnuts. His hair falls down to the tip of his spine and it too is decorated with feathers, gold chains and rings. His clothing is simple; a beige tunic held close to his waist with a red and brown woven sash that is embroidered with gold and purple designs. His trousers are dark and the leather boots that cover his thighs to his knees are worn, but well-cared for. On his long fingers, he wears many rings and runes are etched into his fingers with a faded black ink. His nails are the trademark black of a warlock and his wrists are decorated with many bands, bracelets and charms. His dark eyes flick from the balms he is turning over in his hands to the creature sitting on the oak branch. “Are you ready for our first day, my dear friend?” The creature looks at him and nods its scaled head, “Wonder who will be our first customer…”