"The academy...so beautiful...Master, what do you think?" A gentle and brutally sweet voice rushed through the heads of the young Selwyn. His facial expressions heaved no responses to such strange phenomenon. Simply because it wasn't strange to him anymore. That soft voice was none other than Eliane, the white sword on his back. She had been bugging him with such curious questions, to the point that he couldn't even bring himself to get mad at her. Her curiosity was just too naïve to get mad at. On the other hand... [color=black]"Eliane, what did I have to tell you? He's not out master. He's yet to become one."[/color] The other one, Elise, was much less lovable. Well, probably so through the eyes of the guy who had just been berated by her. In stark contrast to her younger sister, Eliane, Elise was more sophisticated and, more or less, less gentle. Her emotions were more direct and sometimes impolite, if not wanting to say altogether rude. Well, it might be a good thing, since it made her more transparent and easily seen through. The young man here could say for sure what she was thinking judging by her reactions. It's better than having someone saying sweet things in front of you while scheming something behind your back. That wouldn't be fun. "But he will be, right? I mean, he just needs to finish the course here. Just a few years! And we will be fully-fledged to call him that!" [color=black]"Heh. You have so much trust on him..."[/color] "You are the one to talk sister! You are the first to suggest forming a contract with him! And now you are denouncing your own decision?" [color=black]"Eh? I-I was just!...Look, we don't have a choice. Selwyn's the only legitimate heir with our former masters, and one of the rare humans that visited us these days. Consider us extremely lucky for that!"[/color] That's how a normal conversation went on between both of them. And dealing with one of them was already difficult. [color=00aeef]"Enough. This is my first day. I don't want my head to be messed up with your talks on my first day of school."[/color] He strictly dismissed them, as they stopped. At least they had enough common sense to know that they were disturbing him. Selwyn soon entered the shore and walked to the academy's gate, following the stream of people heading inside. So this is it. One of the most crucial turning points of his life. May he had the strength to proceed... (Sorry for the colors, black is pretty difficult to see for those with impaired eyesight)