[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bkd8Ixt.png[/img] [color=949494][sub]O A K R I D G E A C A D E M Y G A R A G E[/sub][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/X3jNw6W.png[/img][/center] [color=949494][color=dadfda]“They’re fine. They evacuated to this nearby town a few days ago. My grandparents live there,”[/color] Celise said. [color=dadfda]“Black sheep of the family because he chose Intel? Come on, it’s not that bad. It’s good to be smart and strong, you know.”[/color] A strained puff of air escaped Celise’s lungs, as the Armstrong man assisted and finished the stretch. [color=dadfda]“Damn”[/color], she muttered. The shapes and silhouettes of the world around her became blurred for a second, black and white dots sparkling and crawling before her vision. Montero, the mysterious and handsome man, managed to sneak her by during this brief moment of stupor. Celise’s left eyebrow shot for the stars along with her iconic blank stare of death at Duke’s comment about height. Even though she knew that there were no sour potatoes rotting behind his words, Celise could not escape that eternal anxiety about her tiny stature. There was no way around it, and she had always thought the argument about ‘short girls being acceptable’ was total baloney. However, at this point in her life, Celise sooner or later had to get used to nicknames involving references to her height. [color=84c592]★[/color][color=c5c584]★[/color][color=#c484c5]★[/color] The driver tapped his prosthetic arm and hand against the door of the vehicle, sitting ready by the wheel, urging the Guardians to load up. He seemed like a ‘no nonsense’ old man with a schedule to keep. He did not say much, however. Celise grabbed her bag and picked up her energy drink. She chucked it all right in front of Ajax, as a response to his comment about water and other such foolery. She knew he was right, but she was addicted—what could she do? As she passed the capable and bantering men, her hand grazed the arm of Jomen, as a becalming motion and gesture. No eye contact, no words, just an expression of her usual demeanor toward those approved. She followed the man of remedy closely to get seated in. [color=849fc5]★[/color] The second Celise rounded the rear corner of the vehicle, her eyes instantly fixed upon a beloved who had already arrived. She almost gasped—how did she miss her? Perhaps it was not that much of a surprise. Every Intel person, Lisa in particular, were professionally trained in not being detected. The silver girl immediately reached for her cellular device tucked away, constrained within a slivered pocket. There were two received, but unfortunately missed messages. Some esoteric guilt washed over Celise. She knew perfectly well that these situations, presence of the unknown and unholy places, were intense on Lisa’s perceptions. Celise’s gaze did not disturb from the silhouettes of the resting feral, as she elevated herself into the vehicle by a graceful step. Her presence settled next to Lisa, slow and dubious in her motions, head nestling on the other’s shoulder akin to a lupine cub. Such were the fluctuations this morning. Nobody knew how it worked, nor would they ever know. Celise read the messages on her phone, carefully leaning in against Lisa. Mumbling words escaped her as she read the symbols—a faint smirk on her lips. [color=c5c584]★[/color][color=849fc5]★[/color] [indent][i][color=dadfda]A steadfast strike, On sunken few, No solemn found, Blazing Kingdom adieu.[/color][/i][/indent] A quick break from the screen of her phone revealed Roland and Montero seated and ready across from herself and Lisa. Her expression remained blank and voice silent. She would have taken a moment for them both, but the air between the beloved and herself not entirely harmonious quite yet. Every morning was an intricate dance of balance, certain days better than others, yet an awesome splendor of mania. To the outside observer, their kinship would appear mystifying, yet following certain common patterns of interaction. Every motion and touch had a multi-layered meaning to them. The tiniest detail unfocused would result in one dictating the other for the rest of the day. Celise’s eyes remained on her phone, its messages and progress in the card game. However, her focus was still on Lisa. The silver girl let her spare hand trail along the other’s, nails gently pressing against the skin, yet occasionally pressing against it with intention. The two knew all of their triggers, points of pleasure and pain, and pressures for desired response or action. [color=#c484c5]★[/color] [/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LMPd3ry.png[/img][/center] [hider=Notes] [color=849fc5]Act[/color], [color=84c592]React[/color], [color=c5c584]Observe[/color], [color=#c484c5]Reflect[/color]. [/hider]