Arameus shot up in a sitting position in the middle of the bed, his first thought was that he was about to endure another of Alysia's feeding frenzies, though not the largest of the Dragons, she had quite the voracious appetite. After only a moment he realised that it was the protesting hallowness of his own belly that he had awaken from a nap, he reached over and closed the book he had been reading concerning Dragon mana and magic then pushed himself up and off the bed, wincing slightly as his muscles ached with his movement. Whether it was the intense training of the first week, or the fact that he was no longer a young Squire, but he found himself suffering more aches and pains then he could remember from past training. He gave Lord Merrik a polite nod upon seeing him in the hall in front of Sparks room, then quickly scampered down the ladder to Alysia's vacant stall before there was an answer to Lord Merrik's request to enter. Sparks near incessant cursing throughout the week had lead to some embarrassing questions by Alysia as to the meanings of some of the phrasing and choice of words that Sparks had howled during the training sessions and he didn't want to be within earshot of another round that was bound to come with Lord Merrik's entrance, nor try and explain anything new she might cuss to Alysia who now seemed to delight in making a point of listening to every foul word uttered and question him about. ~~~ Arameus noted the gravity of Lord Merrik's words as he spoke while they all sat and ate, the mans devotion to his cause seemed to mirror that of his own devotion to the Knights code and found a sense of kinship with the man, despite not having engaged him in any sort of lengthy conversation other then the night following the revealing of the Black Dragon. He perked up and listened intently as Lord Merrik went on to speak about assigning tasks to them all, eager for the chance to prove himself and Alysia's abilities. As he listened, he spotted the rolled parchment in front of his plate and took hold of it and read it carefully, his mind already forming a plan as he glanced up at both the Tamers Talisar and Rhyana to see if they had gotten similar parchment's. His thoughts were interuppted by movement on his right side and he turned to look, only to advert his eyes quickly at the flash of naked side boob revealed by the tattered remains of garment that the Tamer Sparks had refused to change from for the entire week. He was then taken aback by her unexpected turn of mood and regarded her with a perked brow as she spoke, [i]"See this?,Merrick wants you to think he doesn't want his precious tamers with hangovers for training the next morning, but between you and me, he's a massive lightweight. I should know, we met in a bar, The name's Sparks. I need to get used to meeting you guys since I've been in a sulk all week. What's your name, then?"[/i] Arameus looked at her suspiciously, though slightly boisterous and rough, it seemed she was making an attempt at being friendly, which given her mood for the past week, caused him to wonder what had been said between her and Lord Merrik that had caused the changed, he looked at the bottle she was holding up for him to see, then replied, [i]"Given your manners, choice of language and demands for drink, there's little reason to think you met him anywhere else but a Tavern"[/i], realising that might of sounded abit harsh, he softened his expression and offered a warm smile, not wanting to be the one that caused her to slip back into her fowl mood,[i]"But I make a poor jest at your expense, forgive me M'Lady, I'm Arameus and tis a pleasure to met you, and if I may be so bold as to say, I was quite impressed with your ability to handle a sword, with a bit more technique and balance added to your raw power, I would wager you could of bested his Lordship, but then again we're not here to fight amongst ourselves are we? what manner of task have you been given, if I may ask?"[/i].